benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Your Personal Handbook For A Clean and Healthy Home Environment in Geist, Indiana

As residents of nature’s whimsical Geist, Indiana, we strive to maintain a clean and healthy home environment that promotes well-being and enhances our quality of life. In this blog, we will provide you with essential guidance on creating an invigorating, inviting home specific to Geist. We’ll cover topics such as allergen control, indoor air quality improvement, and maintaining cleanliness in high-moisture areas near the lake. Let’s dive right in!

Allergen Control

Geist’s lush greenery can bring about an abundance of allergens, which can affect indoor air quality and trigger allergies or respiratory issues. To maintain a clean and allergen-free home, consider the following tips:

Regular Cleaning

Regular and thorough cleaning is the foundation of allergen control. Dust and vacuum your home frequently, paying extra attention to carpets, rugs, and upholstery, where allergens tend to accumulate. Use vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters to effectively capture small particles.

Pollen Protection

During high pollen seasons, keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from entering your home. Consider using high-quality air purifiers with HEPA filters to remove allergens from the air. Clean or replace the filters regularly for optimal performance. Additionally, regularly wash bedding and curtains to minimize pollen accumulation.

Pet Dander Management

If you have pets, they can contribute to indoor allergens through their dander and fur. Groom your pets regularly to reduce shedding and dander. Designate specific areas in your home where they are allowed to roam, and keep them out of bedrooms if possible. Use hypoallergenic bedding and vacuum cleaners designed to capture pet hair and dander.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Breathing clean air is crucial for a healthy home environment. Here are some tips to enhance indoor air quality:

Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation helps circulate fresh air and reduce the buildup of indoor air pollutants. Open windows whenever possible, especially during pleasant weather conditions, to allow for natural ventilation. Install exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove moisture, odors, and pollutants.

Air Purification

Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to capture particles such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. Place them strategically in areas where you spend the most time, such as bedrooms and living rooms. Keep in mind that air purifiers are supplemental and should be used in conjunction with other preventive measures.

Indoor Plants

Incorporating indoor plants not only adds beauty to your home but also helps improve air quality. Plants naturally filter and purify the air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen. Choose plants like snake plants, spider plants, and peace lilies that are known for their air-purifying abilities. Ensure proper care and maintenance to maximize their benefits.

Maintaining Cleanliness in High-Moisture Areas

Given Geist’s proximity to the lake, higher humidity levels can be expected. Here’s how you can keep high-moisture areas clean and mold-free

Effective Ventilation

Exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens can reduce moisture from a buildup. In areas prone to excess humidity such as basements and laundry rooms, use dehumidifiers. Regularly clean or replace filters in your ventilation system to maintain efficiency.

Regular Cleaning

Keep high-moisture areas clean and dry by wiping down surfaces regularly. Use mold-inhibiting cleaners to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Proper Insulation

Ensure proper insulation in your home to prevent condensation and moisture accumulation. Inspect windows, doors, and pipes for any leaks or gaps and seal them effectively.

Experience Delight of a Clean and Healthy Home in Geist, Indiana

By implementing tips shared in this blog, you can create, maintain a clean and healthy home. Remember to stay consistent with cleaning and be mindful. You can further experience benefits of living the lakeside life with Plan B Cleaning. Our expertise and dedication can instill healthy energies while you enjoy the cool space!

Call (317) 572-8515 or book a new cleaning with us!


benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Unlocking Power of Automation: Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Their Pros and Cons, and How To Enhance Cleaning

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is a priority for many, but the time and effort required for regular cleaning can often be overwhelming. Fortunately, advancements in technology have introduced us to a new ally in the battle against dust and dirt: robot vacuum cleaners. These automated devices, also known as robot vacuums or automated vacuum cleaners, promise convenience and efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll examine pros and cons of robot vacuum cleaners, discussing their benefits as smart home cleaning devices and how they revolutionize cleaning.

The Pros of Robot Vacuum Cleaners

  1. Time-saving Convenience: One of the most significant advantages of robot vacuum cleaners is their ability to save you time and effort. Once programmed, these intelligent devices can autonomously navigate your home, sweeping and vacuuming your floors with minimal human intervention. You can schedule cleaning sessions or let them run on-demand, freeing up your time for more important tasks or leisure activities.
  2. Efficient Cleaning Performance: Robot vacuum cleaners have come a long way in terms of cleaning power. With advanced sensors and algorithms, they can effectively navigate through obstacles, reach tight corners, and adapt to different floor types. Some models even have mapping capabilities, creating a digital floor plan of your home for more efficient cleaning. These devices can pick up pet hair, dust, and debris, leaving your floors noticeably cleaner.
  3. Versatility and Accessibility: Robot vacuum cleaners are designed to work on various floor types, including carpet, hardwood, tile, and laminate. They can seamlessly transition between surfaces without manual adjustments, making them versatile cleaning companions for any home. Additionally, their compact size allows them to reach under furniture and other hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Smart Features and Integration: Many robot vacuum cleaners come equipped with intelligent features that enhance their functionality. Wi-Fi connectivity enables you to control the device remotely through a smartphone app, allowing you to start or schedule cleaning sessions from anywhere. Some models are compatible with voice assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant, enabling hands-free control. These integrated features provide a seamless and convenient cleaning experience.

The Cons of Robot Vacuum Cleaners

  1. Limited Deep Cleaning Capability: While robot vacuum cleaners excel at picking up surface-level dirt and debris, it’s important to acknowledge their limitations when it comes to deep cleaning.They may struggle with heavily soiled areas or deep-pile carpets, and some models may require manual intervention for cleaning certain spots.
  1. High Initial Cost: Investing in a robot vacuum cleaner can be expensive, especially if you opt for high-end models with advanced features. While the price range varies, it’s essential to consider your budget and cleaning needs before making a purchase.
  2. Maintenance and Repairs: Like any other appliance, robot vacuum cleaners require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. This includes emptying the dustbin, cleaning the brushes and sensors, and checking for any mechanical issues. Additionally, if a component malfunctions or breaks, it may require repairs or replacement, which can be an inconvenience and an added expense.
  3. Limited Manual Control: While the autonomy of robot cleaners is a main selling point, it can also be a drawback in certain situations. For example, if you need to clean a specific area immediately or want to navigate the device manually, robot cleaners may not offer the same level of control as traditional ones. However, there are models that allow for spot cleaning or manual control through their accompanying apps.

Considering Alternative Solutions For a Professional Clean

Artificially intelligent vacuum cleaners can be valuable tools. The convenience, time-saving, and cleaning performance they offer make them an attractive option for many homeowners. However, it may be beneficial to consider alternative solutions to overcome the limited capabilities, such as professional cleaning services. Companies like Plan B Cleaning Services provide comprehensive cleaning solutions that ensure a thorough and spotless home is returned on the investment!

For intensive cleaning sessions, click here or call (317) 572-8515.

benefits of cleaning house cleaning

9 Sustainable Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home Refreshed And Cleaned

If you’re looking for ways to clean your home in a more sustainable manner, look no further! We’ve compiled 9 sustainable cleaning tips that you can use to keep your home refreshed and clean. By following these sustainable cleaning tips, you’ll be able to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your home looking and feeling its best. Whether you’re just starting to explore sustainable cleaning or are an experienced cleaner, you’ll find useful advice in this blog post. Keep reading to learn more about sustainable cleaning and the tips you can use to help make a difference.

Why is Sustainable Cleaning Important?

When it comes to house cleaning, most of us tend to focus on the end result rather than how we get there. But have you ever stopped to think about the impact your cleaning habits might be having on the environment? That’s where eco-friendly cleaning and sustainable cleaning come in.

At Plan B Cleaning, we believe that it’s possible to have a sparkling clean home without harming the planet. In fact, sustainable cleaning can even have some additional benefits for you and your family. Here’s why it’s worth considering how to sustainably clean your home:

1. Reducing your carbon footprint: By using natural cleaning products and methods, you can avoid releasing harmful chemicals into the air and water. This can help to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your impact on the environment.

2. Improving air quality: Many traditional cleaning products contain chemicals that can cause respiratory issues or exacerbate allergies and asthma. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning options, you can help to improve the air quality in your home.

3. Protecting wildlife: Harsh cleaning chemicals can end up in our waterways, where they can harm wildlife and pollute the environment. By choosing sustainable cleaning methods, you can help to protect the animals and plants in your local area.

4. Saving money: Making your own cleaning products or buying in bulk can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. Plus, by avoiding disposable items like paper towels and dryer sheets, you can cut down on your household expenses.

Overall, sustainable cleaning is about finding a balance between a clean home and a healthy planet. It may take a bit of effort to switch up your habits at first, but the benefits are well worth it. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning options, you can create a safe and comfortable home for you and your family, without sacrificing your commitment to the environment.

Use What You Have

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to clean your home is by simply using what you already have. Take a look around your house and see what you can repurpose.

For example, old t-shirts or socks make great dusting rags, and vinegar mixed with water can be used as an all-purpose cleaner. If you have a lemon that’s on the brink of going bad, squeeze it into your cleaning solution for a natural scent boost. These simple solutions are not only environmentally friendly, but they’re also budget-friendly.

When it comes to cleaning products, many of us fall victim to the marketing ploys of fancy packaging and appealing scents. But did you know that many of these products contain harmful chemicals that are not only damaging to the environment, but also to our health? Using what you have in your house can help you avoid these harmful chemicals and keep your home safe and clean.

Do It Yourself

One of the best ways to sustainably clean your home is by taking matters into your own hands. With a little bit of know-how and a lot of elbow grease, you can DIY your way to a refreshed and clean home.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand why sustainable cleaning is so crucial. Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm both the environment and your health. By using sustainable cleaning methods and products, you’re not only reducing your carbon footprint, but you’re also creating a safer living environment for you and your family.

So, how do you get started? Start by setting aside some time for a Deep Cleaning session. This may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a crucial step towards creating a clean and healthy living environment.

Next, gather all the cleaning supplies you’ll need. Consider using homemade cleaners made with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. These all-natural products are just as effective as their chemical-laden counterparts and are much safer for you and the environment.

As you’re cleaning, focus on high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms, where dirt and grime tend to accumulate. Use a microfiber cloth or mop to tackle surfaces like countertops and floors, and don’t forget to give your appliances a thorough wipe-down.

Finally, once you’ve finished cleaning, be sure to properly dispose of any used cleaning products. Look for recycling options in your community, and avoid pouring cleaning solutions down the drain or into the garbage.

With these DIY cleaning tips, you can sustainably clean your home and enjoy a healthier living environment. Not only will you feel better about the products you’re using, but you’ll also enjoy a more refreshed and clean home.

Buy In Bulk

Another way to sustainably clean your home is by buying eco-friendly cleaning products in bulk. This not only saves you money in the long run but also reduces packaging waste. When you buy in bulk, you are reducing the amount of plastic and packaging that goes into the landfill, which is important for the environment.

Before making a purchase, do your research and choose cleaning products that are not harmful to the environment and human health. Many cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and to people who use them.

By purchasing eco-friendly cleaning products in bulk, you are also supporting companies that produce sustainable products, which is a win-win situation. You can often find these products in local health food stores or online. Buying in bulk also allows you to refill your spray bottles or containers, which is another way to reduce packaging waste.

Overall, buying in bulk is a great way to sustainably clean your home while reducing waste. 

Cut Down on Paper Towels

One of the easiest ways to make your cleaning routine more sustainable is to reduce the use of paper towels. Not only do they contribute to a lot of waste, but they are also expensive and often coated with harmful chemicals. Instead of reaching for a paper towel every time you need to clean up a spill or wipe down a surface, try these alternative solutions:

1. Use cloth towels: Keep a stash of washable cloth towels on hand for cleaning up spills, wiping down counters, and drying dishes. They can be easily washed and reused, reducing waste and saving money.

2. Use microfiber cloths: Microfiber cloths are a great alternative to paper towels because they are super absorbent and can be washed and reused multiple times. Plus, they are great for dusting and polishing surfaces without the need for additional cleaning products.

3. Repurpose old clothing: Old t-shirts or towels that are no longer usable can be cut up into cleaning rags. This is a great way to repurpose items that would otherwise be thrown away and create a sustainable cleaning solution.

By reducing your use of paper towels, you’ll be making a positive impact on the environment and saving money in the process. Remember, sustainability isn’t just about reducing waste – it’s also about finding more cost-effective solutions for how to sustainably clean your home.

Ditch the Dryer Sheets

Another item that you can eliminate in your household cleaning routine is dryer sheets. These products often contain synthetic fragrances and chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment but also to your health.

They are often made of non-biodegradable materials, which means they will sit in landfills for years and release harmful chemicals into the air. Additionally, the chemicals in dryer sheets can also cause respiratory problems and skin irritation.

Fortunately, there are many alternatives to dryer sheets that are sustainable and effective. One of the best alternatives is wool dryer balls. These balls can be used for up to 1,000 loads and are 100% biodegradable. They work by absorbing moisture and reducing drying time, which saves energy and money. Plus, you can add essential oils to them for a natural fragrance boost.

Another option is to make your own reusable dryer sheets. Simply cut up an old cotton shirt into small squares and soak them in a solution of water and white vinegar. Wring out the excess liquid and toss them in the dryer with your clothes. The vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener and removes static cling.

By ditching dryer sheets, you can not only reduce waste and save money, but also improve the air quality in your home. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in your laundry routine!

Use Eco-friendly Detergent

Another great tip for sustainable cleaning is to switch to eco-friendly detergent. Eco-friendly detergents use natural ingredients that are gentler on the environment and your health.

To use eco-friendly detergent, simply swap out your current laundry detergent for one that is eco-friendly. You can find these at most grocery stores and online. Look for brands that are transparent about their ingredients and packaging, and that use biodegradable or compostable materials.

One great benefit of eco-friendly detergent is that it often requires less water to rinse out, which can save you money on your water bill. Plus, since the ingredients are natural, you won’t have to worry about harsh chemicals being released into the environment when you wash your clothes.

By using eco-friendly detergent, you can reduce your impact on the environment and keep your clothes looking and feeling clean and fresh. So next time you need to restock your laundry detergent, consider making the switch to an eco-friendly option. Your clothes, your wallet, and the planet will thank you!

Hand Wash

Hand-washing clothes is a great way to keep them clean and fresh while also being sustainable. When we hand wash our clothes, we save water, energy, and reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that can end up in our waterways. Here are a few tips for hand-washing clothes:

First, fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water and a small amount of eco-friendly detergent. Then, add your clothes and gently swish them around in the water. Let them soak for about 10 minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Be careful not to wring them out too hard, as this can damage the fabric.

After rinsing, you can gently press the water out of the clothes and lay them flat to dry on a clean towel. This not only saves energy, but it can also help your clothes last longer by preventing them from stretching or shrinking in the dryer.

Try incorporating hand washing into your laundry routine and see how it feels!

Air Dry

One of the easiest and most energy-efficient ways to dry your clothes is by simply air-drying them. Not only does this method save money on your electricity bill, but it’s also an eco-friendly option that helps reduce your carbon footprint. That’s why sustainable cleaning is so important – small choices like air-drying your laundry can make a big difference in reducing your environmental impact.

To air dry your laundry, first, choose a spot outside where you can hang your clothes. Make sure it’s a sunny and breezy spot to help speed up the drying process. If you don’t have a yard or balcony, you can still air dry your clothes indoors by using a drying rack or a clothesline. Just be sure to choose a well-ventilated room to avoid excess humidity.

Once you’ve found the perfect spot, simply hang your clothes using clothespins or hangers. Be sure to shake them out before hanging to eliminate any wrinkles or creases. Avoid crowding your clothes and make sure they’re spread out to allow air to circulate around them. Also, keep in mind that some clothes may take longer to dry than others, so it’s best to start with lighter materials.

Another benefit of air-drying is that it’s gentle on your clothes and helps prolong their lifespan. The heat and tumbling of a dryer can cause damage to fabrics, leading to wear and tear. By air-drying, you’re avoiding this potential damage and helping to keep your clothes looking new for longer.

Overall, air-drying your laundry is a simple yet effective way to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your clothes refreshed and clean.

Mop the Floors

One important aspect of sustainable cleaning is ensuring that your floors are cleaned in an eco-friendly way. Mopping your floors is a great way to achieve this, but there are some tips to keep in mind.

Firstly, why is sustainable cleaning important when it comes to mopping your floors? Traditional mopping solutions often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment. Switching to eco-friendly mopping solutions is not only safer for you and your family, but it also reduces your carbon footprint.

To start, consider using a reusable mop that can be washed and reused rather than disposable mop pads. This reduces waste and saves you money in the long run. You can also make your own natural mopping solution using ingredients like vinegar and essential oils. Not only is this an eco-friendly option, but it also adds a refreshing scent to your home.

When it comes to actually mopping the floors, remember to start in the farthest corner of the room and work your way towards the door to avoid stepping on any freshly mopped areas. Use a back-and-forth motion to ensure that you are covering all areas of the floor. Don’t forget to change your water and mop head when they start to get dirty.

Finally, always remember to air dry your mop rather than using the dryer. This saves energy and extends the life of your mop.

By following these tips, you can mop your floors sustainably and safely.

how to sustainably clean your home
Trusted House Cleaning Service in Fishers IN

We Got You Covered

If you’re in need of some deep house cleaning, contact Plan B Cleaning! We offer various cleaning services for your home, townhouse, apartment and such that are effective and sustainable. Our team of experts utilizes eco-friendly products and methods to ensure sustainability is met. We believe that every little step counts towards a cleaner and healthier environment, and that’s why we go the extra mile to ensure that your home is not only clean, but also sustainable. So, whether it’s a weekly or monthly cleaning service, you can trust us to help you maintain a clean and sustainable home.

Give us a call at (317) 572-8515 get your free estimate!

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Get Your Home Spring Cleaning Ready with this Checklist

Home sweet home, prepare to be dazzled!

Get your home ready for spring with a thorough spring cleaning. To help you get organized and make sure you don’t forget anything, here is a handy spring cleaning checklist. With this checklist, you can make sure your home is completely clean and ready to enjoy the warm weather.

How to start spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is an annual ritual that can help make your home feel fresh and organized for the new season.

Have you felt the need to get your home ready for the spring season? A spring cleaning checklist is an effective way to revitalize the ambiance of your home and an important step for the change of season. To help you get started, here’s a simple and comprehensive step-by-step spring cleaning checklist that will get your home looking beautiful in no time! As a special gift for your new venture, here’s a downloadable copy of one of my favorite spring cleaning checklists that I use all the time. Let’s get started!

The Kitchen

Start by getting rid of all the expired food items from your pantry and fridge.

Then it’s time to give the kitchen a thorough scrubbing from top to bottom. Don’t forget to wipe down all the surfaces, including countertops and cabinets, as well as all of your appliances. To ensure that all surfaces stay clean, consider investing in residential cleaning services offered by companies such as Plan B Cleaning. Our cleaning packages are perfect for giving your kitchen a good deep clean, and they can even customize a package for your personal events cleaning needs so you’ll have a sparkling kitchen as desired! Residential cleaning services use high-grade products and will make sure that every nook and cranny of your kitchen is perfectly spotless with extra steps such as disinfecting all surfaces and wiping down any hard-to-reach areas that you may miss while cleaning yourself. This will help ensure that your kitchen stays hygienic and free of germs throughout the season.

The Bathroom

In the bathroom, you’ll want to focus on deep cleaning areas that often go neglected.

Give your shower and sink a good scrub, then move on to the toilet, which should be given a thorough clean. Don’t forget to give your windows a good wash and freshen up your rugs and carpets too! You may even want to take the time to declutter and reorganize the space.

The Bedroom

When it comes to spring cleaning your bedroom, start by doing a deep clean of your mattress and bedding.

Next, dust off your shelves and wipe down any surfaces to get rid of dirt and grime that might have built up during the winter months. You’ll also want to take a look at your closet and drawers to see what clothes and items you don’t need anymore. Getting rid of these items will help create more space in your bedroom and give it a fresh look for the season. If you have an allergy or dust mite problem, a house cleaning service can help!

The Living Room

For the living room, you will want to focus on clearing out any clutter and sorting items that don’t belong in the room.

Now on to tackling the surfaces! Dust off the bookshelves, wipe down the TV stand, vacuum the carpets, rugs, and couch cushions, and mop the floors. Going deeper with spring cleaning can mean using furniture polish on any wooden surfaces and rearranging furniture, washing the rugs and fabrics, and organizing your knick-knacks and decor.

The Outdoors

If you have a yard or patio area, let’s get it prepped for the new season!

Begin with clearing away any debris from the winter months and making sure any furniture and decor are in good condition. For instance, you should also inspect your fencing and other outdoor fixtures to ensure everything is safe and secure. Consider doing a deep clean of your outdoor living spaces, like cleaning windows and wiping down the siding. From there, you can start thinking about what seasonal decorations and plants you’d like to add for an extra pop of color. We can see a beautiful outdoor oasis in your future!

apartment cleaning

Let us do your spring cleaning!

As you’re gearing up to celebrate the season, you may realize your home could use a deep cleaning! We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy it to the fullest! Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


How to Quickly and Efficiently Clean Your House of Fleas

Do you have fleas in your house? If so, you know how difficult it can be to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are several ways to quickly and efficiently clean your house of fleas. Using a combination of cleaning methods, sprays, and pet-friendly topical medications, you can effectively rid your home of these pesky pests. In this blog post, we will go over how to clean your house of fleas and provide you with the best tips and tricks for quickly and effectively removing fleas from your home. Keep reading to learn more about how to clean your house of fleas.

Prevent an infestation with a clean home

Since fleas can lay up to 50 eggs in one day, you need to constantly clean your home to prevent serious flea infestation.

Vacuuming the furniture regularly and cleaning carpets and cushions, as well as crevices and cracks, can help remove eggs before they hatch. If you’re still wondering how to rid your house of fleas or how to clean your house if your cat or dog has fleas, we provide professional cleaning services to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Keeping your home clean and disinfected is a great preventative measure against fleas. If you’re wondering how to rid your house of fleas, or how to clean your house if your cat or dog has fleas, then our professional disinfecting and sanitization cleaning services might be the perfect solution for you! Plan: B Cleaning can keep your home safe and clean with our disinfection and sanitization methods.

Wash your linens and clothing to stop flea outbreaks

One of the most effective ways to rid your house of fleas is to wash all linens and clothing in hot water.

The heat from the water will kill any fleas or eggs that are lurking on the fabric. It is important to note that this method will only work if you are washing the items in hot water that is at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are washing items with a label indicating a lower temperature, it is best to rewash them in hot water separately.

We recommended that you pre-treat any fabric items with a flea cleaner before washing.

This will help to kill the fleas before they have a chance to get into the wash. To do this, simply spray the flea cleaner onto the fabric, ensuring that it is evenly distributed. Allow the solution to sit for several minutes before throwing the item into the wash.

Washing linens and clothing is also a great way to get rid of any fleas or eggs that may have been brought in from outside sources, such as other animals or family members. It is important to ensure that all bedding, furniture covers, towels, curtains, and clothing are washed regularly to keep your home flea-free.

By following these steps and combining them with other methods such as topical medications, sprays, and vacuuming, you will be able to quickly and efficiently get rid of fleas in your home.

More flea prevention methods for your home

Once you have successfully cleaned your home of fleas, it is important to take steps to prevent them from coming back.

The best way to do this is to use flea control products regularly in and around your home.

Additionally, it is important to vacuum frequently to remove any existing flea eggs or larvae. Vacuuming is a great way to help prevent future infestations of fleas in your home. Make sure to dispose of the vacuum bag after each use, as this will help reduce the chances of an infestation reoccurring.

Finally, keep your yard clean and free of any debris that may attract fleas. This includes removing any fallen leaves, grass clippings, and other organic matter that can provide a food source for fleas.

By following these preventative measures, you can help keep fleas out of your home and reduce the chances of a future infestation. Taking a few simple steps now can save you from a major infestation later!

cleaning your house of fleas
Best House Cleaning Services in Fishers, Indiana

Keep your home safe from fleas with Plan: B Cleaning

At Plan: B Cleaning, we want to give your time back to do what you love.

You shouldn’t have to worry about fleas in your home, so let us be one of your preventative measures! We’ll come in and do the work for you, so you can enjoy your time and hobbies. Plan: B Cleaning offers a wide variety of cleaning services such as deep cleaning for your house, home disinfectants, and pet-friendly cleaning solutions.

We proudly serve Fishers IN, Carmel IN, Noblesville IN, Geist IN, Hamilton County IN, Westfield IN, Broad Ripple IN, and surrounding areas in Indiana. Don’t let fleas ruin your spring and summer, contact us today and learn how we can help you keep your home clean while you explore the state of Indiana or spend time with your loved ones.


Plan: B Cleaning – The Reliable Cleaning Service You Can Count On

Are you looking for a trustworthy and reliable cleaning company to take care of your home in the Fishers, Carmel, and Noblesville areas? Look no further than Plan: B Cleaning! With over a decade of experience and a commitment to excellence, Plan: B Cleaning is the ideal choice for all of your cleaning needs. Their team of experts are highly trained and dedicated to providing superior service to every customer. Read on to learn why you should trust Plan B Cleaning to take care of your home.

We’re Insured and Bonded

At Plan: B Cleaning, we understand the importance of providing quality home cleaning services that you can trust. That’s why we are licensed, bonded, and insured for your peace of mind. We are proud to be a reputable and reliable home cleaning service in Fishers IN, Carmel IN, and Noblesville IN.

We’re Thorough

When it comes to cleaning homes in Fishers, Carmel, and Noblesville, Indiana, you can trust Plan: B Cleaning to provide a thorough service. Our experienced and trained technicians make sure that no corner is left untouched.

With Plan B Cleaning, you can trust that the following areas of your home will be cleaned with precision and attention to detail:

– Dusting: High (ceiling areas and walls), low (baseboards) dust-remove cobwebs; Surface dusting-all flat surfaces hand-wiped with a microfiber towel

– Floors: Vacuum carpets: Sweep and wet mop floors hard surface floors with a ph Neutral cleaner

– Walls: Mirrors & pictures left clean and shiny

– Trash: Trash removed and relined with plastic bags

– Kitchen: Disinfect and Sanitize countertop, stovetop, outside/top of the fridge and inside microwave; Sink is disinfected and left clean; Sweep and wet mop the floors with microfiber mops

– Disinfect, sanitize and wash all showers, tubs, commodes, and sinks; Sweep and mop the floor.

We’re Affordable

At Plan: B Cleaning, we understand that cleaning your home can be costly, so we make it our mission to be as affordable as possible. Our minimum cost is $180, which gives you two people for two hours of cleaning, a total of four cleaning technician hours.

Plan: B professionals can clean between 500 and 600 square feet of space per hour. We will offer an estimate of how long it should take to clean your home based on the size and condition of your property and the type of services you want.

We have Highly Trained Technicians

At Plan: B Cleaning, we strive to provide our clients with the highest quality service and that’s why we invest so much in training our technicians.

We start by interviewing potential candidates and conducting national background checks. Above all, once we feel confident in our selection we provide them with comprehensive written training to ensure they are the best house cleaners in Fishers IN, Noblesville IN, and Carmel IN.

Customer Testimonials

Our customers are always raving about our excellent services! Moreover, here are some of their reviews when it comes to our carpet cleaning, house cleaning, and overall services in the Fishers, Noblesville, and Carmel areas:

“I can’t speak highly enough of Plan B Cleaning! I’ve been using them for about 5 years now and they exceed my expectations every time! They are very prompt whenever I need to reschedule and work hard to meet my particular cleaning needs. They are worth every penny!” – Robin M.

“I Love Plan B Cleaning! I have been using this incredible business for 4+ years. I feel so happy when they come every 2 weeks to revive my home. Their employees are so warm and friendly. They are always asking if there is anything else that they can help me with. After recent health issues over the past few years, I am limited on what I can do. The Ladies and Men have been wonderful to help me with extra little things that make my life easier. I will definitely continue using them and recommend their company to everyone. They are wonderful people. ” – Carol K.

“We have enjoyed Plan B’s housecleaning services for . . . gosh . . . I don’t know how long. 2 years, maybe? Regardless, our carpets, hardwood, cabinets, appliances, bathrooms, closets, etc have received a lot of love over that time, thanks to Plan B. When we occasionally request special attention to items that can use a little extra scrubbing, they don’t balk. Today, Tiffany and Nyhle went above and beyond by giving a little extra love to baseboards and photo frames. Plan B is our Plan A.” – Jeff B.

Contact Us!

Are you looking for a reliable, insured, and bonded home cleaning service that you can trust in the Fishers IN, Carmel IN, or Noblesville IN area? Look no further than Plan: B Cleaning! Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing high-quality services at an affordable price to meet all of your needs.

Call Plan: B Cleaning today! Our friendly staff will be happy to provide a free estimate for your home cleaning project. We look forward to helping you keep your home looking its best.


7 Simple Self Care Tips for When Life Gets Overwhelming

We all have moments when life can feel overwhelming. During these times, it’s important to remember to take time to care for yourself and practice self care. Self care can come in many forms and doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. To help you get started, here are 7 simple self care tips that you can use when life feels like too much. By focusing on your well-being and taking a few moments for yourself, you’ll be able to better manage your stress and find the calm within the chaos.

1) Get enough sleep

When life gets overwhelming, it’s essential to make sure you are getting enough rest. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on your mental and physical health. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

One of the best ways to make sure you are getting enough sleep is to establish a bedtime routine. Set a time to go to bed and stick to it, even on weekends. Turn off all screens at least an hour before bed and instead focus on relaxation activities such as reading, listening to calming music, or stretching. Avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the day, as both of these can disrupt your sleep.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about what treatment options might be available to you. Sometimes just taking the time to invest in yourself and make sure you are getting enough sleep can make a huge difference in how you cope with stressful times.

2) Eat healthy and nutritious meals

Eating healthy and nutritious meals is one of the most important aspects of taking care of yourself. It can be difficult to make time for cooking or preparing meals when you have a busy schedule, but it’s essential for both physical and mental wellbeing. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can give you the energy and nutrients you need to stay energized and focused throughout your day. Additionally, eating regular meals can help to regulate your mood and reduce stress levels.

Making healthy meals doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Start by stocking your kitchen with simple ingredients like frozen fruits and vegetables, canned beans, and whole grain pasta. You can also plan out your meals for the week ahead of time to make grocery shopping easier. Soups, stews, and salads are all quick and easy meal options that are packed with nutrition. And if you don’t feel like cooking, there are plenty of meal delivery services that provide healthy ready-made meals.

3) Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to practice self care. Exercise helps to reduce stress, boost mood, and improve physical and mental health. It can also help increase your energy levels, helping you feel better prepared for whatever life throws your way.

When it comes to exercise, it doesn’t have to be anything too strenuous. Taking a walk around the block or doing a few yoga poses in the comfort of your own home can help you feel better. You can even dance around the living room for a few minutes. If you can, make it a habit to get some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. This will help keep your body and mind in tip-top shape and help you stay positive and energized throughout your day.

4) Take breaks when needed

When life gets overwhelming, it’s important to remember to take a break. Taking breaks allows us to reset and recharge, so we can continue on with our day-to-day tasks. Breaks also allow us to take some much-needed time for ourselves, so we can practice self-care and maintain our mental and physical wellbeing.

When taking a break, make sure it’s an activity that helps you relax and recharge. This could include reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk, or taking a hot bath. It’s important to choose something that you actually enjoy doing and makes you feel better. Avoid activities that can lead to more stress or anxiety, such as spending too much time on social media.

5) Seek professional help if needed

When life gets overwhelming, it’s important to know when to reach out for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need extra support, there’s nothing wrong with seeking professional help. Mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists can offer strategies and interventions to help you cope with difficult situations.

You can also get help from a counselor or therapist who will listen to your concerns and provide guidance on how to better manage stress and emotions. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles and there are many professionals available to support you.
It may take some time to find the right person to talk to and the process of seeking help can feel intimidating, but it’s worth it in the long run. Working with a mental health professional can be incredibly beneficial in getting through tough times and establishing a healthier lifestyle.

6) Spend time with loved ones

When life becomes overwhelming, it’s important to remember the power of human connection. Spending time with those who are close to you can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Whether it’s spending time with family members or calling an old friend, socializing can help to reduce stress and improve your overall mood.

If you find yourself feeling lonely, plan an outing with someone you care about or invite a loved one over for dinner. You can also look into joining local groups or activities that interest you. It’s easy to forget how important social connections are, so make sure to schedule in some quality time with your loved ones.

7) Do something you enjoy

When life starts to become overwhelming, taking some time to do something you enjoy can be an effective form of self-care. Whether it’s going for a walk, playing a game, painting, or listening to music, taking the time to engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation is a great way to break up the day and give yourself a much-needed break.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work or school, try to find ways to sneak in small moments of pleasure. Watching a movie or reading a book can be a great way to distract yourself from stress. Even just sitting in silence or meditating for a few minutes can help to provide clarity and bring your mind back to a calmer state.

maid cleaning

Bonus Tip – Hire a cleaning service

A clean home is a happy home! Let us handle the cleaning for you so you can focus on hobbies, family, and other important things. Take back your free time and learn more about our cleaning services today. We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or request a free estimate of your house cleaning.


Why Keeping Your Bedroom Clean Is Essential This Year

Tired of losing sleep? Are you waking up in a messy room? Feeling exhausted all the time? If you’re looking to heighten your sleep, your bedroom, and your quality of life, you are in the right place! Think about it – you probably spend 7-10 hours in your bedroom a day. Hence, your bedroom should be the cleanest room in your house. Plan: B Cleaning is here to help you learn the reasons why and take the next steps to sleeping better. Check out our blog detailing some of the many benefits of keeping your bedroom clean and why it should be a priority in your life!

Sleep Better

A messy bedroom makes you less likely to want to sleep there. But getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night is vital for maintaining good health. When we leave clothes, shoes, and other items in our bedroom, we’re effectively wasting space. And if your bedroom isn’t clean and organized it can actually have a negative impact on your mood and sleep schedule. For example, having a mess in your room could cause you to feel anxious because you have a cluttered environment to look at before you go to sleep. You may feel like your brain is also cluttered. You may feel claustrophobic. But what you really want to feel is calm and relaxed, so keep reading!


A clean bedroom not only makes it easier to fall asleep but also relieves stress throughout your day – especially if a messy room causes you anxiety. Decluttering regularly is important. Fit it into your schedule whenever you can – but be sure to do it after packing for and unpacking from vacations, celebrating the holidays, and so on. The easiest way to do that is by reallocating what you do not use regularly: make a pile of unnecessary items, and organize what you use often and consider a bedside table that stores what you need at night (phone charger, watch, glasses). After you have made a pile of things you do not need, you can donate them to a local organization supporting those in need. If you have more time on your hands, you can take pictures, add descriptions, and resell on Facebook Marketplace. Other platforms like eBay, Mercari, Poshmark, and so on are a great place to make some cash back.

Boost Productivity

When your bedroom is clean, you have more energy to do things outside of it. Cleanliness is shown to make us feel and be more productive, since we are able to function at a higher level rather than stepping around clutter or stressing about the mess. This may not seem like a big deal, but when your bedroom’s a mess and you’re tired from working all day, trying to get anything done can feel like an impossible task. By keeping your bedroom tidy, you’ll have more energy throughout your day—and you’ll be more motivated to get out of bed early in the morning. You might even wake up feeling rested!

Save Time and Money

If you want to save time and money make sure your bedroom is always clean and tidy. You’ll be able to find what you need quickly, which will save you time in the morning when it comes to getting ready for work or school. You’ll also be able to find things like your wallet or keys if they get lost in a mess of clothes on your floor, which can help avoid unnecessary trips back home from work or a night out with friends. In addition, having a clean room can help reduce stress levels by eliminating distractions that cause worry or anxiety over messes.

Finally, keeping your bedroom neat and organized will help save you money because you won’t have to replace items as often. For example, not losing your favorite shirt when it gets mixed up with other clothes means you won’t have to buy another one. As an added bonus, you won’t have to spend as much money on cleaning supplies if you stay on top of your cleaning routine.

Prevent Illness

Preventing illness and maintaining good health starts in your own home! Dust and dirt buildup can result in everything from the odd sneezing fit to the scary experience of an asthma attack. This is especially true if you also have pets in your house.

Your bedroom is also a space where germs spread easily–especially if you share it with others in your home. By keeping your bedroom clean, you can prevent germs from contaminating your home. It takes less time to be healthy if the family can cooperate and clean their rooms every few days.

Additionally, getting more sleep comes with its own long list of health benefits like hormone regulation, better eating habits, and so on.

Contact Us!

We’ll do the cleaning while you and your loved ones focus on celebrating and working toward your new goals! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service for your home or office to ring in the new year, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and start the new year off strong in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


Out with the Old, In with the New: How to Make Healthy Cleaning Habits in 2023

The most important thing you can do at the start of the New Year is to make healthy changes, particularly in your cleaning and lifestyle habits. While any time is a good time to make a change, the new year is often a good time for reflection and action. Additionally, it’s very easy to lose your focus on this as the year goes on, and it’s likely that you’ll need to change your habits more than once as you go through life. Here are some tips from Plan: B Cleaning on how to start new year’s resolutions with healthy cleaning habits, and then maintain those cleaning habits throughout the rest of the year!

Resolve to start a good habit

The new year is a great time to start fresh and develop healthy habits that will stick with you throughout the year if you are consistent. A good place to start is by evaluating your living space and making sure it’s clean and organized. This will help you feel less stressed and more productive.

Here are some tips to get you started on getting into healthier habits this year:

  • Before you begin, set yourself up for success by laying out what needs to be done. Don’t overwhelm yourself, just pick one or two tasks each day so that they can be completed before moving on to the next task.
  • Use Google calendar, a tracking app, paper planner, or agenda to help you stay organized regarding key dates and key tasks. Update regularly to ensure you are working toward your goals daily. No system is foolproof, so do what works best for you!
  • Encourage yourself along the way! You can set up a reward system or way to incentivize yourself. Treat yourself however you want, with whatever budget you have! Treats can include a shopping spree, spa day, or even smaller items along the way. If you like to journal, you can purchase another item of stationery. If you enjoy baking, you can invest in a new tray or icing tip set. Invest in yourself and your interests. Positive reinforcement can go a long way! You also need to maintain discipline.

How to develop the discipline you need

If you’re someone who struggles to keep up with healthy cleaning habits and holding yourself accountable, then developing discipline is key. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Set realistic goals for yourself – Don’t try to change everything at once, focus on one or two things that you really want to improve.
  • Make a plan – Once you know what your goals are, come up with a plan of action on how you’re going to achieve them. This can include scheduling time for yourself, setting reminders, or finding an accountability partner.
  • Start small – Take baby steps and celebrate each accomplishment along the way.

Small changes lead to big results

If you’re like most people, you probably want to focus on improving your health and well-being in 2023. Cleaning is a big part of health and well being, and a great New Year’s resolution. Dust, grime, and allergens in the cracks and crevices of your home can harm your immune system in the long run. There may also be mold growing and hiding in dingy spaces. Small changes lead to big results!

Even if you spend five minutes to put away or wipe down as much as you can, your home or office will gradually become more organized and cleaner. Try not to be intimidated by what seems like a daunting task. Little by little, you can work toward a clean space whenever you have some extra time.

Be patient – Changing cleaning habits takes time so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

It may seem like every time you clean, it gets messy again. Dust comes back, dishes pile up, and so on. Changing habits takes time so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. You need to be patient with yourself and focus on grace and gratitude as well!

Storage and organization hacks for every room in your home

One way to keep things clean is by decluttering and organizing your home. A tidy space can help you feel calmer and more in control. Plus, if the stuff is all picked up and put away, it is easier to wipe down, vacuum and so on. Plus, it can make it easier to find things when you need them or want to put them back. Follow these simple storage and organization hacks for every room in your home!

  • Use bins. Bins come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and even textures. You can find a fabric bin, plastic bin, and so on. You can place them in any room and fill them with any thing
  • Use racks and shelves. Use shoe racks, book shelves, and more. This investment goes a long way!
  • Use labels! Labels make it easier to see what is inside these bins and boxes. You can use a label or simply create your own with paper and pen!

3 Do-It-Yourself Ideas to Elevate Your Space

  1. Give your front door a fresh coat of paint. This will instantly add curb appeal and make your home feel more welcoming.
  2. Plant some flowers or shrubs in pots near your front door. This will add color and life to your home’s exterior.
  3. Hang some wind chimes near your front door or in your backyard. This will create a calming atmosphere and help you relax after a long day.

Is cleaning on your resolution list for the year? Start 2023 off right by getting your space in order! You’ll feel more productive and less stressed when your environment is clean, tidy, and well decorated.

Contact Us!

We’ll do the cleaning while you and your loved ones focus on celebrating and working toward your new goals! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service for your home or office to ring in the new year, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and start the new year off strong in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


4 Tips for Easy Post-Holiday Clean-Up

After the festivities of the holiday season have ended, post-holiday clean-up is an inevitable part of life. But with a few simple tips and tricks, post-Christmas cleaning can be a breeze. Here are 4 tips for easy post-holiday cleanup that will help you get your home back in order in no time.

1) Tackle the Decorations

– Slowly and methodically take down all of your decorations. Start with those that are in difficult-to-reach areas, like windows and ceilings. This will help you keep track of which decorations have already been taken down, and it will also help to reduce the amount of clutter as you work your way through the entire house.

– Once you’ve finished taking down the decorations, create a storage system that will make it easy to find them next year. Label each box or bin with a description of what is inside, and make sure to store decorations in a dry, cool area.

2) Purge What You Don’t Need

Purge what you don’t need: If you’re like most people, you’ve accumulated a lot of new items during the holidays. Take some time to go through everything and get rid of what you don’t need or want. Donate any items that are in good condition and throw out the rest.

3) Toss the Trash

– Designate a trash bag or two for quick disposal. This is an easy way to quickly grab all of the debris that’s left after the holidays and dump it out in one fell swoop. It can also save you time when it comes to hauling it to the curb.

– Reuse where you can. Instead of tossing everything, make sure to keep an eye out for items that can be reused or repurposed for future holiday celebrations. This could include items such as bows, gift bags, and more.

– Recycle what you can. Some trash service companies in and around Fishers, Indiana offer curbside recycling options for items such as paper, cardboard boxes, and plastic containers. Take advantage of this service and place recyclables into the proper bins for easy collection.

4) Hire the Home Cleaning Professionals at Plan: B Cleaning

Enjoying the holidays with family and friends is a blessing, but the mess that comes with it can be overwhelming. Cleaning up after Christmas and getting your home back in order can seem like an insurmountable task. Fortunately, Plan: B Cleaning is here to help you get through the post-holiday cleanup quickly and easily. We offer one-time, weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning services.

If you reside in the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist, call (317) 572-8515 or get your free quote at