house cleaning

The Ultimate Guide to Apartment Deep Cleaning Services

A spotless home is a wonderful thing to have…but it’s hard to get it all done and then KEEP IT that way. That’s when you call for house cleaning help! Plan: B Cleaning is the one to call.

Our lives get busy with kids, extended family, sports, hobbies, jobs, and more, and our clean home is always the thing that seems to suffer from a lack of time to finish it all. We see this in almost every home that we visit, and it makes us feel good to know that we are helping people who have busy lives!

One thing that keeps people and families from keeping up with the cleaning tasks is a lack of time and energy. That is one way that hiring a cleaning service can help you upgrade your standard of living AND give you back time.

Hiring Plan B Cleaning to do the housework for you saves you time and effort of doing it yourself, and you can spend that time doing what you want to do!

If you have an apartment, your storage space may be limited, and that is all the more reason to keep your apartment the cleanest it can be, because in a smaller space things can get cluttered even faster. You have to stay on top of the cleaning tasks.

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Empty Nesters Cleaning and Reorganizing Guide: Embrace Change and Create a Free Space

As empty nesters cleaning and reorganizing our homes after sending our children off to college, we find ourselves at a bittersweet moment – with newfound freedom and an empty nest. This milestone marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, allowing us to rediscover ourselves and our homes. As such, it’s time to revitalize our space, declutter the accumulated treasures of the past, and create a more functional and enjoyable environment. In this guide, we’ll explore practical tips for empty nesters on decluttering, repurposing rooms, deep cleaning, and creating new functional spaces to embrace this exciting phase. Additionally, we’ll introduce Plan: B Cleaning, a specialized service offering tailored support for empty nesters in their home transformation journey.

Decluttering and Letting Go

We often find ourselves surrounded by belongings that have accumulated over the years. When our kids leave for college, it’s a perfect opportunity to declutter and let go of items no longer need. Be it old toys, clothing, or memorabilia, donating, selling, or discarding these items can free up valuable space and make the reorganization process more manageable.

Repurposing Rooms with Purpose

With the kids gone, we might also find that we now have empty bedrooms and playrooms that are no longer in use. Consider repurposing these spaces with a fresh vision in mind. Perhaps a hobby room, a home office, or a cozy reading nook? Here’s some inspiration:

  • Consider transforming an empty bedroom into a hobby room
  • Design a cozy home office that provides a tranquil space for work and reflection.
  • Create a reading nook filled with your favorite books, plush cushions, and soft lighting, making it the perfect retreat for relaxation and contemplation.

Deep Cleaning for a Fresh Start

A thorough deep cleaning is essential for empty nesters cleaning and reorganizing during any home transformation project. As empty nesters, investing time in detailed cleaning can make a deep impact on our living spaces. Begin with dusting hard-to-reach areas, wiping down surfaces, and refreshing curtains and carpets. Pay special attention to neglected corners and forgotten spaces to ensure a truly revitalized home.

Creating Functional Spaces

Now that empty nesters cleaning and reorganizing have decluttered, repurposed, and deep cleaned our home, it’s time to focus on functionality. Consider your current needs and lifestyle as you organize spaces for your new phase of life. You can:

  • Optimize storage solutions with shelves, bins, and cabinets to keep belongings neatly organized and easily accessible.
  • Experiment with room layouts that enhance flow and usability, making each area more practical and harmonious.

Plan: B Cleaning – Tailored Support for Empty Nesters

Embracing this new chapter offers a chance for empty nesters cleaning and reorganizing to rediscover ourselves and our living spaces. Plan: B Cleaning provides invaluable support during this transitional phase. Their professionals understand the challenges we face, offering tailored cleaning solutions that address our unique needs. By entrusting them with the cleaning process, we can focus on enjoying our newfound freedom. Plan: B Cleaning’s expertise ensures no detail is overlooked, making our home transformation a positive and uplifting experience.

A Freeing Space From Us

A cleaner, more organized home awaits, reflecting your family story. Happy cleaning and happy reorganizing! As you transform, remember change is a positive force, and by actively engaging in the process, you’ll make a significant impact. Embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and cherish the memories you’ve created within these walls.

Enjoy and create a living space that best suits!

Call (317) 572-8515 or book a clean with us.

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Back-to-School Cleaning Tips: Productive Learning Right at Home

As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s time to create a clean and calm environment that’s conductive to learning! Whether you’re a busy parent juggling multiple responsibilities, an empty nester embracing newfound freedom, or a college student looking to optimize your study space, implementing our back-to-school cleaning tips can make a significant difference difference in your home. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on essential cleaning tasks and offer you tips on organizing home study areas. Additionally, we’ll introduce Plan: B Cleaning, a specialized cleaning service that can assist you in achieving your best work and study rooms!

Decluttering for a Fresh Start

Preparing for the back-to-school season begins with decluttering your home. Start by tackling one room at a time, focusing on areas that accumulate the most clutter. Begin by sorting through items and setting aside those that are no longer needed. Consider donating or recycling unused items to create more space and reduce the accumulation of unnecessary belongings. Decluttering not only helps create a more organized space, but also has a positive impact on the mind, allowing for reduced distractions and a clearer focus. Implementing back-to-school cleaning tips like decluttering sets the stage for a fresh start and a more productive environment.

Deep Cleaning for a Healthy Environment

A clean and healthy home is crucial, especially during the back-to-school season. Dedicate time to deep cleaning tasks that go beyond the regular surface cleaning. Dusting, vacuuming, and mopping are essential to remove dirt, allergens, and dust buildup. Pay special attention to frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, as they can harbor germs. Using eco-friendly cleaning products ensures a safe environment for your family and reduces exposure to harmful chemicals. Prioritizing deep cleaning as part of your back-to-school cleaning routine contributes to a healthier and more pleasant living space.

Organizing Study Areas for Productivity

To enhance productivity and focus, it’s crucial to organize study areas effectively. Clear off desks and tabletops, to ensure that essential supplies such as pens, paper, and textbooks are within reach. Utilize storage solutions like shelves, bins, and desk organizers to keep items organized and easily accessible. Tips that organize study areas promote concentration and efficiency, creating an ideally clean learning space!

Creating a Clean and Calm Environment

A clean and calm environment is essential for fostering a positive learning experience. Consider incorporating soothing colors, such as soft blues or greens, into your decor to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Eliminate unnecessary distractions by decluttering common areas and creating designated spaces for study and relaxation. Limiting the use of electronic devices during study time helps maintain focus and encourages a healthier balance between technology and learning. Additionally, ensure your study area is well-ventilated and receives ample natural light, as these factors can greatly impact mood and concentration. Creating a clean and calm environment sets the stage for a more enjoyable and productive back-to-school season.

Making Back-to-School Season Sparkle

To ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process, you may benefit from Plan B. With a focus on personalized service, we offer a range of specialized cleaning options tailored to your specific needs. With our experienced team, a one-time deep clean, regular maintenance, and however else you wish to make the year count can be a mission accomplished! Let Plan: B Cleaning be your partner in achieving a fresh and welcoming home environment that supports your family’s goals and aspirations.

Take the first step today and contact us @ (317) 572-8515 or submit your request here!

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Spark Joy and Boost Mental Health: Benefits of a Clean Home

We all know the feeling of walking into a neat and tidy home, with everything in its place. But did you know that having a clean and organized home can actually have positive effects on your mental health? That’s right – the mental health benefits of a clean home are real and can have a profound effect on your overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore why having a clean and organized home can improve your mental health, and how you can use the popular ‘spark joy’ method to make tidying up easier and more enjoyable.

A clean home can boost your mood

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel when your living space is clean and tidy? How does a clean house affect you?

Well, it turns out that a clutter-free environment can actually boost your mood and make you feel more energized and happy.

When we are surrounded by mess and chaos, it can be overwhelming and cause feelings of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, a clean home provides a sense of calm and order, creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. Plus, with everything in its proper place, it is much easier to find what you need and navigate your living space, which can reduce frustration and improve your overall outlook.

If you struggle to maintain a clean home due to a busy schedule or lack of time, consider enlisting the help of a professional house cleaning service like Plan B Cleaning.

A deep cleaning service can ensure your home is always clean and organized, giving you more time to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. So, if you want to boost your mood and feel happier in your living space, start by keeping it clean and clutter-free.

A clean home can help you relax

It’s not just a coincidence! A clean home can have a positive impact on your mental health, especially when it comes to reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

For starters, a clutter-free environment can help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control. When there aren’t piles of laundry or stacks of dishes staring back at you, you can focus on other things that bring you joy and peace.

One way to ensure that your home stays clean and organized is to enlist the help of a professional cleaning service. Deep cleaning services that can tackle even the toughest messes and leave your home sparkling clean. By outsourcing your cleaning needs, you can save time and energy that you can then use to recharge and unwind.

Imagine coming home from a long day at work to a pristine and welcoming space. You can light some candles, put on some music, and simply relax without feeling like you need to tackle any household chores. That sense of calm and relaxation can have a lasting impact on your mental health and wellbeing.

In short, investing in a clean and organized home can pay off in many ways, including a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind. So go ahead, schedule that deep cleaning service and see how it can help you feel more at ease in your own space.

A clean home can improve your sleep

If you’ve ever slept in a messy or cluttered bedroom, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night’s rest.

Have you ever considered how much of an impact a clean house can have on your sleep? Research has shown that there are several ways in which a tidy and organized home can help you catch those Zs.

Firstly, when you have a clean house, it helps to create a sense of calmness and relaxation. This is especially true in your bedroom, where you want to feel calm and comfortable in order to drift off into a peaceful slumber. Clutter and mess can cause visual and mental distractions that prevent you from fully relaxing. A clean room can be the perfect environment to unwind and prepare your body and mind for sleep.

Additionally, dust and allergens can be major disruptors of sleep. When you have a clean home, there are fewer allergens and dust particles floating around, which can help to prevent respiratory issues like allergies and asthma that can cause difficulty in breathing and ultimately disturb sleep. A clean and dust-free bedroom can also reduce the chances of contracting dust mites, which are known to cause allergies and itchiness.

Finally, using a house cleaning service can take away the stress of cleaning and organizing, and this in itself can help you relax and sleep better. Not only do cleaning services provide a cleaner home, but they can also help you save time and reduce the stress and anxiety of having to do it all yourself.

In summary, a clean home is vital to achieving a good night’s rest. By reducing distractions, improving air quality, and removing stress and anxiety, a clean and organized home can be the perfect foundation for getting the sleep you need to stay healthy, happy, and productive. So take a few extra minutes to tidy up before bed tonight, and feel the difference for yourself!

A clean home can increase your productivity

When your home is cluttered and disorganized, it can be hard to focus on the tasks you need to complete.

A clean and organized home can do wonders for your productivity. Here’s how:

Firstly, a clean home allows you to find everything you need easily. When you can locate everything you need quickly, you’ll be less likely to get distracted and waste time looking for misplaced items. For instance, you won’t waste time looking for that document you need or your misplaced keys. Instead, you can use that time to focus on important tasks.

Secondly, a clean and tidy home can help reduce mental distractions. When you have piles of clutter and mess, it can be hard to concentrate on the task at hand. The mess and clutter compete for your attention and can cause mental stress. However, when you have a clean home, there are fewer visual distractions, allowing you to focus better.

Thirdly, cleaning your home can be a physical activity that helps boost your energy levels. When you get moving, you improve blood flow and release endorphins that make you feel more energized. This increased energy can translate to more productive work and greater focus.

Overall, a clean home is essential for a productive mind. It reduces distractions and allows you to focus better on your work. Furthermore, cleaning itself can be a physical activity that helps increase energy levels, which can translate to better productivity. Therefore, if you’re struggling with low productivity, take some time to tidy up and see how it affects you.

A clean home can reduce your stress levels

We all know that stress can have a major impact on our mental and physical health.

It can cause a range of negative effects, from headaches and fatigue to anxiety and depression. But did you know that keeping your home clean and organized can actually help reduce your stress levels?

It might seem like a small thing, but the state of your living environment can have a big impact on your mood and overall well-being. So, how does a clean house affect you when it comes to stress?

First of all, when your home is cluttered and messy, it can create a sense of chaos and overwhelm. You may feel like you can’t relax or focus, and this can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, when your home is clean and organized, it can provide a sense of calm and order. You may find it easier to concentrate and feel more at ease in your surroundings.

In addition, a clean home can also help reduce the amount of stress caused by everyday tasks. When your home is dirty, you may feel like you have a never-ending to-do list of cleaning and organizing. This can make you feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up and never really getting ahead. With staying on top of cleaning tasks and maintaining cleanliness, you’ll have more free time and less stress from chores.

Finally, a clean home can also help improve your overall sense of well-being. When you feel good about your surroundings, you’re more likely to feel good about yourself. This can lead to increased confidence, better relationships, and an overall more positive outlook on life.

So, the next time you’re feeling stressed out, take a look around your home and see if there’s anything you can do to tidy up and create a more peaceful environment. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make!

A lady is cleaning the room

Mental Health-Check

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly with Plan: B Cleaning!

Our community understands the importance of a clean home and what it means to mental health. Our committed team can provide you with a thorough cleaning of all rooms in the house and make sure every surface is sparkling clean.

Keep calm cool collected and schedule your cleaning appointment or call us at (317) 572-8515!

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Why You Should Add Cleaning Your Toothbrush Holder to Your Routine

Maintaining a clean toothbrush holder is an important part of proper oral hygiene. Unfortunately, it’s often neglected when it comes to regular housekeeping chores. That’s why it’s important to understand how to clean a toothbrush holder and why you should make it part of your routine. By regularly cleaning your toothbrush holder, you can help protect your oral health and prevent the spread of bacteria and other germs in your home. Read along as to why you should add cleaning your toothbrush holder to your routine followed by some helpful tips for cleaning a toothbrush holder.

The Dangers of a Dirty Toothbrush Holder

Having an unclean toothbrush holder is an invitation for bacteria and other germs to settle and spread. If your toothbrush holder is not regularly cleaned, it can harbor bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms which can lead to many health issues, such as infections and illnesses.

So why should you clean your toothbrush holder? Doing so can help reduce the risk of developing any number of illnesses caused by germs. In addition to the health risks, a dirty toothbrush holder can also create an unpleasant smell in your bathroom and lead to aesthetic problems.

Not only that, but dirt, dust, and other particles that accumulate in a dirty toothbrush holder can be difficult to remove and cause permanent damage to the holder.

Regular cleaning can ensure that your toothbrush holder remains clean and looks attractive for years to come.

How to Incorporate Cleaning Your Toothbrush Holder Into Your Housekeeping Routine

To ensure that your toothbrush holder remains germ-free, you should clean on a regular basis. Fortunately, adding this chore to your housekeeping routine is fairly straightforward.

  1. First, remove the toothbrush holder from its place and empty out any remaining water and debris.
  2. Next, wipe down the holder with a damp cloth and warm water. To disinfect, use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, or add a few drops of antibacterial soap.
  3. After you have finished scrubbing the surface, you’ll need to rinse it off with warm water and dry thoroughly.
  4. Finally, you should take the time to sanitize the toothbrush holder every few months by soaking it in a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water for five minutes.
  5. Then rinse and dry the holder before returning it to its place.

By incorporating these simple steps into your housekeeping routine, you can ensure that your toothbrush holder stays free of bacteria and fungi.

The Benefits of a Clean Toothbrush Holder

When it comes to cleaning your home, one of the most overlooked items is the toothbrush holder. While it’s easy to forget about this item in the bathroom, keeping it clean can have some major benefits:

  1. First and foremost, a clean toothbrush holder can help prevent the spread of bacteria and other germs. Many toothbrush holders are made of porous material, making them excellent breeding grounds for harmful microbes. Keeping your toothbrush holder free from these germs is key to maintaining a healthy environment in your home.
  2. Second, a clean toothbrush holder can extend the life of your toothbrush. By taking the time to wipe down your holder regularly, you can help keep debris and other particles away from the bristles. This will help preserve the shape of your brush and reduce the need to replace it as often.
  3. Finally, a clean toothbrush holder can help maintain the overall hygiene and appearance of your bathroom. By taking the time to sanitize this item on a regular basis, you can ensure that your bathroom stays looking its best!

We Help Keep Your Home Clean and Safe from Bacteria!

To further cleanse your bathroom while you continue to achieve your oral health goals, contact Plan B Cleaning! We specialize in residential and commercial cleaning and our experienced team of professionals is located in Fishers, Indiana, serving Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Geist, Hamilton County and surrounding areas. We take great care in using the highest quality, eco-friendly solutions so you can rest assured that your bathroom and overall home will be sparkling clean when we’re finished.

If you want a deep clean, Call (317) 572-8515 today or request your free estimate online!

benefits of cleaning house cleaning Sanitizing and Disinfecting seasonal cleaning thorough cleaning

Get Your Home Spring Cleaning Ready with this Checklist

Home sweet home, prepare to be dazzled!

Get your home ready for spring with a thorough spring cleaning. To help you get organized and make sure you don’t forget anything, here is a handy spring cleaning checklist. With this checklist, you can make sure your home is completely clean and ready to enjoy the warm weather.

How to start spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is an annual ritual that can help make your home feel fresh and organized for the new season.

Have you felt the need to get your home ready for the spring season? A spring cleaning checklist is an effective way to revitalize the ambiance of your home and an important step for the change of season. To help you get started, here’s a simple and comprehensive step-by-step spring cleaning checklist that will get your home looking beautiful in no time! As a special gift for your new venture, here’s a downloadable copy of one of my favorite spring cleaning checklists that I use all the time. Let’s get started!

The Kitchen

Start by getting rid of all the expired food items from your pantry and fridge.

Then it’s time to give the kitchen a thorough scrubbing from top to bottom. Don’t forget to wipe down all the surfaces, including countertops and cabinets, as well as all of your appliances. To ensure that all surfaces stay clean, consider investing in residential cleaning services offered by companies such as Plan B Cleaning. Our cleaning packages are perfect for giving your kitchen a good deep clean, and they can even customize a package for your personal events cleaning needs so you’ll have a sparkling kitchen as desired! Residential cleaning services use high-grade products and will make sure that every nook and cranny of your kitchen is perfectly spotless with extra steps such as disinfecting all surfaces and wiping down any hard-to-reach areas that you may miss while cleaning yourself. This will help ensure that your kitchen stays hygienic and free of germs throughout the season.

The Bathroom

In the bathroom, you’ll want to focus on deep cleaning areas that often go neglected.

Give your shower and sink a good scrub, then move on to the toilet, which should be given a thorough clean. Don’t forget to give your windows a good wash and freshen up your rugs and carpets too! You may even want to take the time to declutter and reorganize the space.

The Bedroom

When it comes to spring cleaning your bedroom, start by doing a deep clean of your mattress and bedding.

Next, dust off your shelves and wipe down any surfaces to get rid of dirt and grime that might have built up during the winter months. You’ll also want to take a look at your closet and drawers to see what clothes and items you don’t need anymore. Getting rid of these items will help create more space in your bedroom and give it a fresh look for the season. If you have an allergy or dust mite problem, a house cleaning service can help!

The Living Room

For the living room, you will want to focus on clearing out any clutter and sorting items that don’t belong in the room.

Now on to tackling the surfaces! Dust off the bookshelves, wipe down the TV stand, vacuum the carpets, rugs, and couch cushions, and mop the floors. Going deeper with spring cleaning can mean using furniture polish on any wooden surfaces and rearranging furniture, washing the rugs and fabrics, and organizing your knick-knacks and decor.

The Outdoors

If you have a yard or patio area, let’s get it prepped for the new season!

Begin with clearing away any debris from the winter months and making sure any furniture and decor are in good condition. For instance, you should also inspect your fencing and other outdoor fixtures to ensure everything is safe and secure. Consider doing a deep clean of your outdoor living spaces, like cleaning windows and wiping down the siding. From there, you can start thinking about what seasonal decorations and plants you’d like to add for an extra pop of color. We can see a beautiful outdoor oasis in your future!

apartment cleaning

Let us do your spring cleaning!

As you’re gearing up to celebrate the season, you may realize your home could use a deep cleaning! We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy it to the fullest! Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


Looking Back on 10 Years of Cleaning with Plan B Cleaning

This year marks a milestone for Plan: B Cleaning – our 10 year anniversary! We are so proud to have been providing cleaning services to our local community for an entire decade, and we wanted to take a moment to look back and reflect on the success and growth we have experienced over the years. We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of our valued customers, and we look forward to the future of Plan B Cleaning.

What started as a way to help clean homes in our community has become so much more

When Plan: B Cleaning first started, our mission was to provide a top-notch house cleaning service to the greater Fishers, Hamilton County, Carmel, and Noblesville areas of Indiana. We wanted to be the go-to choice for families, busy professionals, and people who just needed a helping hand around the house.

But in the past decade, Plan: B Cleaning has grown into something much bigger. We have expanded our services beyond just basic housekeeping and now provide move-in/move-out and event clean-up services for weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries or holidays as well as deep cleaning and office cleaning services. We even offer additional services such as townhouse and apartment cleaning services.

This growth is due in part to our dedication to providing excellent customer service and quality results every time. We take great pride in being able to make a home look and feel like new again. We strive to make sure our clients are happy with their service and that they are receiving the best possible value for their money.

At Plan: B Cleaning, we are passionate about helping our community by providing a top-notch cleaning service that takes away the stress of keeping a home clean. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy living in a clean and organized home without having to spend hours trying to keep up with it.

What the future holds for Plan: B Cleaning

The future is bright for Plan: B Cleaning as we continue to provide our clients with high-quality housekeeping services in Hamilton County IN, Carmel IN, Noblesville IN, Fishers IN, and surrounding areas. We have been able to expand our services over the past 10 years, and our experienced staff is looking forward to bringing their expertise to even more households and businesses in the area.

We plan on continuing to deliver high-quality service to our customers, while also introducing new technologies and solutions to ensure that we remain competitive in the house cleaning service industry. Our goal is to make sure that our clients have access to the best possible cleaning service, and we will continue to do everything we can to stay ahead of the curve.

We are also looking at ways to improve our services for the community and are actively exploring new ways to give back. We have already had a great 10 years providing cleaning services in our community and we look forward to many more years of helping keep homes and businesses clean.

plan b cleaning

A message of thanks from the team at Plan B Cleaning

We are so grateful to be celebrating 10 years of cleaning in our community. It has been an amazing journey that has seen us become one of the leading house cleaning services in Fishers IN, Hamilton County IN, Carmel IN, Geist IN, Westfield IN, Fortville IN, Broad Ripple IN, and Noblesville IN. We would like to take this moment to thank all of our customers, who have trusted us with their homes over the past decade and have allowed us to do what we love.

As local business owners, we are so proud of the company we have built and we look forward to continuing to bring excellent cleaning services to the community for years to come. We want to extend a special thank you to those who have been with us since the beginning and continue to show their loyalty.

It is our mission to always provide a high quality service and a stress-free housekeeping experience. We are passionate about being the best in the business and we will continue to strive towards this goal. We could not have reached this milestone without the support of our customers and we thank them for their loyalty and patronage.


Eight Nights of Fun: All About Hanukkah

In just a few days, Jews all over the world will celebrate the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, which commemorates the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire that took place in 164 BCE. While this ancient festival may seem foreign to many people in America, it’s full of fun and meaningful traditions that are worth learning about and embracing.

At Plan: B Cleaning, we appreciate diversity in Fishers, Indiana and nearby areas. We hope to heighten cultural awareness through our professional cleaning service’s platform. Here’s what you need to know about Hanukkah and its traditions!

The History

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah lasts for eight nights and starts on the 25th day of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. During the eight nights of Hanukkah, a special menorah is lit. Each night, one more candle is added until all eight are burning. Hanukkah is also a time for gift giving and feasting. Families gather to eat fried foods, play games, and exchange gifts. There are many different types of foods eaten during this festival, but latkes (fried potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) are the most popular.

The Virtues

Hanukkah has similar traditions to Diwali, and is known as the Jewish festival of lighting lights, during the darkest time of the year. It celebrates rededication, rekindled spirits, hope and determination. Together, the community recollects on stories of the past and commemorates a historical event, as well as the diligence of their loved ones. They cherish these virtues and quality time with family members and friends.

The Decorations

One of the best things about Hanukkah is getting to celebrate by decorating your home with festive lights and dreidels. Of course, there is a special menorah with the appropriate candles for Hanukkah. Some families choose to decorate with other lights, rather than using candles. They often decorate using blue and white, as these colors are significant to the religion and its texts.The tallit, Jewish prayer shawl, is typically made in a white fabric with black stripes and one blue string. This blue fringe is made from a unique blue dye mentioned throughout the Torah. Other religious texts mention the color blue. Hence, the blue and white colors signify Judaism and Hanukkah when decorated.

The Recipes

One of our favorite recipes to make is the aforementioned Hanukkah Sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts). They are absolutely delicious and are a must try – whether you purchase them or make them. Here is a recipe you can try to taste and also share with your loved ones:

The batter you will use is the same batter used for cream puffs and éclairs. Hence, there is a very light and airy doughnut taste. But the filling, a spectacular dollop of jelly, can be made with a lot of flavors, as well. This is the perfect combination to satisfy your sweet tooth this holiday season!

The Festivities

Activities include lighting the menorah, praying, and cherishing their ancestors. There are dreidel games and contests, as well as several songs to sing along to. There are also lots of delicious snacks, as aforementioned. In addition, there are desserts and chocolates known as gelt, unique disc shaped, coin-like chocolates. There is also gift giving. Most importantly, there is lots of family time. Instead of being celebrated in the Synagogue, Hanukkah is mainly celebrated at home. This reduces formalities and encourages people to slow down, show gratitude, and cherish time with their loved ones! No matter how you spend Hanukkah or your holiday of choice, Plan: B Cleaning is here to take chores off of your plate, so you can enjoy such activities!

Contact Us!

Let us help you clean! You do the holiday decorating, we’ll do the cleaning! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service to treat yourself or your loved ones this Hanukkah or holiday season, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy the holiday festivities in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


Are You Ready to Invest in a Professional Cleaning Service?

Tired of the dishes piled up? Dreading picking up the broom? Feel like your home will never be clean? Your home is where your family makes memories and spends time together, so it’s important to make sure it’s a clean and safe environment for both residents and visitors. If you are not satisfied with the state of your home and need a break from the chores, you can hire our cleaning company to do it for you! This will allow you to take care of more important things in life, while still enjoying the benefits of a clean home. Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a professional cleaning service provided by Plan: B Cleaning.

Declutter and Deep Clean

Decluttering is exactly what it sounds like – getting rid of or at least reorganizing the clutter in your home. In tandem, deep cleaning is a thorough cleaning of your home which includes all surfaces such as floors and countertops in addition to larger areas like high windows or other hard-to-reach areas. Plus, our deep cleanings will get into corners and crevices you had completely forgotten about. We will get the dust, grime, and all out to leave you with a fresh feeling. This is especially great if you have not been able to keep up with cleaning recently because we can help you get back on track. Decluttering and deep cleaning with Plan: B Cleaning is a whole reset for not only your home but also your lifestyle!

Alleviate Stress

There are many ways in which our cleaning company can deliver value to your family. One way is by alleviating stress. We all know how stressful it can be to keep your home clean and tidy on a day-to-day basis. Tasks like washing, drying, folding and putting away laundry, vacuuming, mopping the floors, and washing dishes can take up hours of time every week. It almost feels like they never end. A cleaning company can help reduce this stress by taking care of these tasks for you. Reducing stress also leads to better sleep, and other health benefits. Overall, this will allow you to spend more time doing things that you enjoy.

Instead of thinking about the dishes you have to do and rooms you have to vacuum, you will be able to enjoy your time with your friends and family, and even at work, in a more peaceful and present manner. Additionally, we are pet-friendly and kid-friendly, as well as judgment-free, so you have nothing to worry about when signing up for our professional cleaning service! Watch your home and your relationships thrive when stress is alleviated with Plan: B Cleaning!

Increase Productivity

Additionally, a clean environment boosts productivity. When your space is clean, you’re more likely to work efficiently and get more done. Plus, you will be able to find everything you need in a more convenient manner. This is especially important if you work from home or are trying to establish a personal productive routine indoors. Not only does a cleaner environment increase productivity, but it can also reduce stress levels, which is one again key here.

A clean environment boosts productivity, creativity, and happiness. Not only that, but a tidy space helps you sleep better, lowers your risk of getting sick and means less time spent cleaning and more time spent on what matters most to you. If that doesn’t convince you – we don’t know what will! Clean spaces make us feel happier and healthier, which is another reason why our cleaning company delivers value to your family.

Long Term Savings

Of course, having someone clean for you is convenient. But did you ever think about how it is also a wise long-term investment? You will save money in the long run by not having to pay for new furniture, carpets, supplies or health costs related to germs and bacteria. For example, your furniture will remain shiny. Your carpets will not get as dusty and stained, or matted. Plus, they will have less balls of hair and fur. You won’t even have to buy as many chemicals and cleaning supplies, as we will be bringing our own. We got you covered with the best cleaning supplies on the market! And on top of all that, the value of your actual house will remain higher, as it will be in great condition. Evidently, regular cleaning services from Plan: B Cleaning’s professional cleaning service are worth the investment!

More Time to Do What You Love

With Plan: B Cleaning by your side, you’ll have more time to do what you love. You’ll have more time for work, hobbies, spending time with family, and simply relaxing. If you’re tired of doing chores after work, or dedicating your weekend to chores instead – a cleaning company will make your life so much easier. We take care of everything for you! The last thing you want is to come home from a long day at work to find that you need to spend your precious time scrubbing toilets and dusting shelves. That’s why our cleaners will clean up around the house and prioritize high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and floors. Whether you need a little extra help around the house or some serious deep cleaning done on a regular basis, we’re here for you! Visit our website for more information about how our team of professionals can make life easier for your family today.

Contact Us!

We’ll do the cleaning while you and your loved ones get to relax and spend more precious moments together! If you are looking to hire a professional cleaning service for your home (or even your office), you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and start the new year off strong in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


6 Things You Need to Add to Your Cleaning Checklist

When was the last time you dusted the top of your refrigerator? When was the last time you mopped the floor of your garage? These are just two of many things that might fall through the cracks when it comes to household cleaning, but they shouldn’t be neglected because they can create health hazards if left unclean. By adding these eight cleaning jobs to your regular cleaning routine, you can ensure that your home stays clean, germ-free, and safe at all times. Check out 6 things you may be missing, that Plan B Cleaning recommends you give some extra attention to!

1) Computer keyboard and other devices

A keyboard is one of the dirtiest places in your home, and it’s full of germs. A study by the University of Arizona found that computer keyboards have more germs than toilet seats. Yuck! So it’s important to clean your keyboard regularly to prevent the spread of illness. Here are some tips for keeping your keyboard as clean as possible:

  • Keep your desk or workstation neat so you can find things when you need them.
  • Make sure you wipe down all surfaces with antibacterial wipes on a regular basis.
  • Get into the habit of using disposable gloves when touching anything that might be dirty, such as wiping up spills on your desk or using the bathroom.
  • Get a keyboard cover or mat to reduce the dust piling up. Regularly use compressed air (or a vacuum) to remove dust and debris from between the keys.
  • To keep food off your keyboard, get an elevated mousepad.

While you’re at it, you may want to wipe down all of your devices with screen cleaning wipes. We are always touching our devices, even between meals. Plus, we hold our phones up to our face, so the dirt and germs can easily transfer to our skin, mouth, and so on. Hence, it is so important to wipe down the devices, chargers, and cables that we are always using. Just think about it – we use these items nearly every day, but how frequently do we clean them?

2) Door knobs

You might not think to clean your door knobs, but they are actually one of the dirtiest things in your home. Door knobs are constantly touched by dirty hands, and they can easily become covered in bacteria. Plus, if you have pets, their fur can also transfer onto door knobs. To keep them clean, simply wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe or a cloth dampened with soapy water. Or spray some disinfectant on a rag and then scrub the knob. But don’t forget about other parts of your home! You should also make sure to get your doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, bathroom sinks, refrigerator handles, and more all scrubbed down too!

3) Microwave & Refrigerator

Most people don’t realize how important it is to clean their microwave. Not only does it get used multiple times a day, but it also accumulates a lot of dirt, grime, and food particles. Over time, this can lead to bad smells, poor performance, and even dangerous bacteria growth. That’s why it’s important to give your microwave a good cleaning every few months.

Most people think to clean the refrigerator when they see spills or when it’s time to do a deep clean of the kitchen. But you should be cleaning your fridge more often than that! At least once a week, you should wipe down the shelves and dispose of any expired products. A build-up of bacteria can cause food poisoning, so it’s important to keep your fridge clean. Plus, expired items can cause odors and also take up unnecessary space.

4) Trash Can

Let’s face it, your trash can is one of the dirtiest places in your home. It’s full of germs and bacteria, and it’s just plain gross. So, it’s important to clean it regularly. Here’s how:

  1. Empty the trash can and remove any liner or bag.
  2. Wash the inside of the trash can with hot, soapy water.
  3. Rinse the trash can with clean water and dry it with a clean towel or paper towel.
  4. Once the trash can is dry, add a new liner or bag.
  5. Repeat this process once a week or as needed.

Add citrus peels or a couple of drops of essential oil at the bottom of the bag to prevent odor.

5) Washing machine lint trap filter

Most people don’t realize that their washing machine has a lint trap filter that needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. A lint trap filter helps to prevent lint and other debris from clogging up your washing machine and causing it to break down. Over time, the lint trap filter can become clogged with lint and other debris, which can reduce the efficiency of your washing machine and cause it to break down. To clean your washing machine’s lint trap filter, simply remove it from the washing machine and rinse it off with warm water. You can also scrape with an old toothbrush. You should also clean the area around the lint trap filter to ensure that there is no build-up of lint or other debris.

6) Bedding

Our bedding sees a lot of action. We sweat in it, we shed skin cells in it, and we even drool on it while we sleep. That’s why it’s important to wash our bedding regularly. At least once a week, strip your bed and wash all the sheets, pillowcases, and blankets in hot water and detergent. If you have an extra-large bed or you’re washing an expensive comforter, separate them into two loads so they get washed separately from smaller items like sheet sets.

If you may be too busy, try to still change out your pillowcase weekly. Sheets can still last biweekly.

Contact Us!

Contact Us! As you’re thinking about the last time you cleaned these things, you may realize that your home could use a deep cleaning!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy the fall festivities in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at