benefits of cleaning

Using The Kon Mari Method for Back-to-School: Decluttering and Organizing Your Home and Mind

Have you heard about Author and TV personality Kon Mari? She wrote the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. It took off and became a best-seller. Why? Because her ideas are useful, practical, and achievable. They really work to help you clean up your home, your life, and your mind.

Here is what the book teaches…
The author teaches and reminds people to clean up and keep things tidy so they can clear their mind, and maintain control of their life.
Here are some powerful words from her writings: “When you put your house in order using the Kon Mari Method™, you have no choice but to listen to your inner voice – because the question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life. When you reassess your belongings and organize your home, you set the stage for a huge transformation.”

Having a tidy home is not a new idea, but looking at it with this frame of mind is different: ‘What you own is how you want to live.’ This is a powerful phrase that makes us all reevaluate your surroundings and your belongings. It is a simple way of looking at things and encourages us to live a minimalist lifestyle surrounded by the things and people we actively choose.

So, let’s apply that to Back to School and everything that goes with that task and experience. Keeping things tidy can be a way of life and a way to simplify and manage this task and through this new mindset, perhaps back to school and the new routine can be less stressful.
When we apply the new tidy method to the tasks at hand, and the state of our home, it can transform a normally stressful experience into a manageable one.

Tidying up comes down to a system of cleaning, decluttering, and planning ahead.

To achieve a tidy state in your home and life, Kon Mari recommends that you do it all at once, not little by little. She says that this allows you to make changes and keep them so you can see a bigger difference.
Another interesting and helpful tip Mari shares is to clean and organize by category – not by location. The order in which you declutter is the key of her method. By starting with the easiest category, you will gain instant gratification of your accomplishment. This will help you continue.

This is the order that she suggests when you begin decluttering:
1. Clothes
2. Books
3. Papers
4. Miscellaneous Objects
5. Sentimental items

The order of those things will help you build the excitement as you move from one to the other.

Before you begin, you must remember the most important step. Mari says that the change needs to start by imagining the life that you want and picturing what it will look like when you get there. This is an essential first step. You have to have a mental picture of what this lifestyle will be life after you achieve it.

Let Plan B Cleaning help you get there! Call us for a house cleaning to help you manage your busy lifestyle.

Check out her website for more resources:

benefits of cleaning house cleaning

9 Sustainable Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home Refreshed And Cleaned

If you’re looking for ways to clean your home in a more sustainable manner, look no further! We’ve compiled 9 sustainable cleaning tips that you can use to keep your home refreshed and clean. By following these sustainable cleaning tips, you’ll be able to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your home looking and feeling its best. Whether you’re just starting to explore sustainable cleaning or are an experienced cleaner, you’ll find useful advice in this blog post. Keep reading to learn more about sustainable cleaning and the tips you can use to help make a difference.

Why is Sustainable Cleaning Important?

When it comes to house cleaning, most of us tend to focus on the end result rather than how we get there. But have you ever stopped to think about the impact your cleaning habits might be having on the environment? That’s where eco-friendly cleaning and sustainable cleaning come in.

At Plan B Cleaning, we believe that it’s possible to have a sparkling clean home without harming the planet. In fact, sustainable cleaning can even have some additional benefits for you and your family. Here’s why it’s worth considering how to sustainably clean your home:

1. Reducing your carbon footprint: By using natural cleaning products and methods, you can avoid releasing harmful chemicals into the air and water. This can help to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your impact on the environment.

2. Improving air quality: Many traditional cleaning products contain chemicals that can cause respiratory issues or exacerbate allergies and asthma. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning options, you can help to improve the air quality in your home.

3. Protecting wildlife: Harsh cleaning chemicals can end up in our waterways, where they can harm wildlife and pollute the environment. By choosing sustainable cleaning methods, you can help to protect the animals and plants in your local area.

4. Saving money: Making your own cleaning products or buying in bulk can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. Plus, by avoiding disposable items like paper towels and dryer sheets, you can cut down on your household expenses.

Overall, sustainable cleaning is about finding a balance between a clean home and a healthy planet. It may take a bit of effort to switch up your habits at first, but the benefits are well worth it. By choosing eco-friendly cleaning options, you can create a safe and comfortable home for you and your family, without sacrificing your commitment to the environment.

Use What You Have

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to clean your home is by simply using what you already have. Take a look around your house and see what you can repurpose.

For example, old t-shirts or socks make great dusting rags, and vinegar mixed with water can be used as an all-purpose cleaner. If you have a lemon that’s on the brink of going bad, squeeze it into your cleaning solution for a natural scent boost. These simple solutions are not only environmentally friendly, but they’re also budget-friendly.

When it comes to cleaning products, many of us fall victim to the marketing ploys of fancy packaging and appealing scents. But did you know that many of these products contain harmful chemicals that are not only damaging to the environment, but also to our health? Using what you have in your house can help you avoid these harmful chemicals and keep your home safe and clean.

Do It Yourself

One of the best ways to sustainably clean your home is by taking matters into your own hands. With a little bit of know-how and a lot of elbow grease, you can DIY your way to a refreshed and clean home.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand why sustainable cleaning is so crucial. Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm both the environment and your health. By using sustainable cleaning methods and products, you’re not only reducing your carbon footprint, but you’re also creating a safer living environment for you and your family.

So, how do you get started? Start by setting aside some time for a Deep Cleaning session. This may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a crucial step towards creating a clean and healthy living environment.

Next, gather all the cleaning supplies you’ll need. Consider using homemade cleaners made with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. These all-natural products are just as effective as their chemical-laden counterparts and are much safer for you and the environment.

As you’re cleaning, focus on high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms, where dirt and grime tend to accumulate. Use a microfiber cloth or mop to tackle surfaces like countertops and floors, and don’t forget to give your appliances a thorough wipe-down.

Finally, once you’ve finished cleaning, be sure to properly dispose of any used cleaning products. Look for recycling options in your community, and avoid pouring cleaning solutions down the drain or into the garbage.

With these DIY cleaning tips, you can sustainably clean your home and enjoy a healthier living environment. Not only will you feel better about the products you’re using, but you’ll also enjoy a more refreshed and clean home.

Buy In Bulk

Another way to sustainably clean your home is by buying eco-friendly cleaning products in bulk. This not only saves you money in the long run but also reduces packaging waste. When you buy in bulk, you are reducing the amount of plastic and packaging that goes into the landfill, which is important for the environment.

Before making a purchase, do your research and choose cleaning products that are not harmful to the environment and human health. Many cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and to people who use them.

By purchasing eco-friendly cleaning products in bulk, you are also supporting companies that produce sustainable products, which is a win-win situation. You can often find these products in local health food stores or online. Buying in bulk also allows you to refill your spray bottles or containers, which is another way to reduce packaging waste.

Overall, buying in bulk is a great way to sustainably clean your home while reducing waste. 

Cut Down on Paper Towels

One of the easiest ways to make your cleaning routine more sustainable is to reduce the use of paper towels. Not only do they contribute to a lot of waste, but they are also expensive and often coated with harmful chemicals. Instead of reaching for a paper towel every time you need to clean up a spill or wipe down a surface, try these alternative solutions:

1. Use cloth towels: Keep a stash of washable cloth towels on hand for cleaning up spills, wiping down counters, and drying dishes. They can be easily washed and reused, reducing waste and saving money.

2. Use microfiber cloths: Microfiber cloths are a great alternative to paper towels because they are super absorbent and can be washed and reused multiple times. Plus, they are great for dusting and polishing surfaces without the need for additional cleaning products.

3. Repurpose old clothing: Old t-shirts or towels that are no longer usable can be cut up into cleaning rags. This is a great way to repurpose items that would otherwise be thrown away and create a sustainable cleaning solution.

By reducing your use of paper towels, you’ll be making a positive impact on the environment and saving money in the process. Remember, sustainability isn’t just about reducing waste – it’s also about finding more cost-effective solutions for how to sustainably clean your home.

Ditch the Dryer Sheets

Another item that you can eliminate in your household cleaning routine is dryer sheets. These products often contain synthetic fragrances and chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment but also to your health.

They are often made of non-biodegradable materials, which means they will sit in landfills for years and release harmful chemicals into the air. Additionally, the chemicals in dryer sheets can also cause respiratory problems and skin irritation.

Fortunately, there are many alternatives to dryer sheets that are sustainable and effective. One of the best alternatives is wool dryer balls. These balls can be used for up to 1,000 loads and are 100% biodegradable. They work by absorbing moisture and reducing drying time, which saves energy and money. Plus, you can add essential oils to them for a natural fragrance boost.

Another option is to make your own reusable dryer sheets. Simply cut up an old cotton shirt into small squares and soak them in a solution of water and white vinegar. Wring out the excess liquid and toss them in the dryer with your clothes. The vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener and removes static cling.

By ditching dryer sheets, you can not only reduce waste and save money, but also improve the air quality in your home. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in your laundry routine!

Use Eco-friendly Detergent

Another great tip for sustainable cleaning is to switch to eco-friendly detergent. Eco-friendly detergents use natural ingredients that are gentler on the environment and your health.

To use eco-friendly detergent, simply swap out your current laundry detergent for one that is eco-friendly. You can find these at most grocery stores and online. Look for brands that are transparent about their ingredients and packaging, and that use biodegradable or compostable materials.

One great benefit of eco-friendly detergent is that it often requires less water to rinse out, which can save you money on your water bill. Plus, since the ingredients are natural, you won’t have to worry about harsh chemicals being released into the environment when you wash your clothes.

By using eco-friendly detergent, you can reduce your impact on the environment and keep your clothes looking and feeling clean and fresh. So next time you need to restock your laundry detergent, consider making the switch to an eco-friendly option. Your clothes, your wallet, and the planet will thank you!

Hand Wash

Hand-washing clothes is a great way to keep them clean and fresh while also being sustainable. When we hand wash our clothes, we save water, energy, and reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that can end up in our waterways. Here are a few tips for hand-washing clothes:

First, fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water and a small amount of eco-friendly detergent. Then, add your clothes and gently swish them around in the water. Let them soak for about 10 minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Be careful not to wring them out too hard, as this can damage the fabric.

After rinsing, you can gently press the water out of the clothes and lay them flat to dry on a clean towel. This not only saves energy, but it can also help your clothes last longer by preventing them from stretching or shrinking in the dryer.

Try incorporating hand washing into your laundry routine and see how it feels!

Air Dry

One of the easiest and most energy-efficient ways to dry your clothes is by simply air-drying them. Not only does this method save money on your electricity bill, but it’s also an eco-friendly option that helps reduce your carbon footprint. That’s why sustainable cleaning is so important – small choices like air-drying your laundry can make a big difference in reducing your environmental impact.

To air dry your laundry, first, choose a spot outside where you can hang your clothes. Make sure it’s a sunny and breezy spot to help speed up the drying process. If you don’t have a yard or balcony, you can still air dry your clothes indoors by using a drying rack or a clothesline. Just be sure to choose a well-ventilated room to avoid excess humidity.

Once you’ve found the perfect spot, simply hang your clothes using clothespins or hangers. Be sure to shake them out before hanging to eliminate any wrinkles or creases. Avoid crowding your clothes and make sure they’re spread out to allow air to circulate around them. Also, keep in mind that some clothes may take longer to dry than others, so it’s best to start with lighter materials.

Another benefit of air-drying is that it’s gentle on your clothes and helps prolong their lifespan. The heat and tumbling of a dryer can cause damage to fabrics, leading to wear and tear. By air-drying, you’re avoiding this potential damage and helping to keep your clothes looking new for longer.

Overall, air-drying your laundry is a simple yet effective way to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your clothes refreshed and clean.

Mop the Floors

One important aspect of sustainable cleaning is ensuring that your floors are cleaned in an eco-friendly way. Mopping your floors is a great way to achieve this, but there are some tips to keep in mind.

Firstly, why is sustainable cleaning important when it comes to mopping your floors? Traditional mopping solutions often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment. Switching to eco-friendly mopping solutions is not only safer for you and your family, but it also reduces your carbon footprint.

To start, consider using a reusable mop that can be washed and reused rather than disposable mop pads. This reduces waste and saves you money in the long run. You can also make your own natural mopping solution using ingredients like vinegar and essential oils. Not only is this an eco-friendly option, but it also adds a refreshing scent to your home.

When it comes to actually mopping the floors, remember to start in the farthest corner of the room and work your way towards the door to avoid stepping on any freshly mopped areas. Use a back-and-forth motion to ensure that you are covering all areas of the floor. Don’t forget to change your water and mop head when they start to get dirty.

Finally, always remember to air dry your mop rather than using the dryer. This saves energy and extends the life of your mop.

By following these tips, you can mop your floors sustainably and safely.

how to sustainably clean your home
Trusted House Cleaning Service in Fishers IN

We Got You Covered

If you’re in need of some deep house cleaning, contact Plan B Cleaning! We offer various cleaning services for your home, townhouse, apartment and such that are effective and sustainable. Our team of experts utilizes eco-friendly products and methods to ensure sustainability is met. We believe that every little step counts towards a cleaner and healthier environment, and that’s why we go the extra mile to ensure that your home is not only clean, but also sustainable. So, whether it’s a weekly or monthly cleaning service, you can trust us to help you maintain a clean and sustainable home.

Give us a call at (317) 572-8515 get your free estimate!


The 7 Best Nontoxic Cleaning Products for Your Bathroom

Are you looking for the best cleaning products for your bathroom that are also nontoxic? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we’ll review the seven best nontoxic cleaning products for your bathroom. These products are safe, effective, and gentle on the environment. Whether you’re trying to spruce up your space or just want to keep it clean and fresh, these products will get the job done. Keep reading to learn more about the best nontoxic cleaning products for your bathroom.

1) Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds Liquid Cleaner

Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds Liquid Cleaner is a great option for cleaning your bathroom, as it is both nontoxic and effective.

It is made from plant-derived ingredients, including coconut and olive oils, which makes it safe for you, your family, and your pets. This cleaner can be used on most surfaces in your bathroom, including countertops, floors, fixtures, and tile. Its neutral pH formula will not harm your surfaces and can easily be used with a damp mop or cloth. What’s more, its natural scent will leave your bathroom smelling clean and fresh!

To use this cleaner in your bathroom, just add a few tablespoons to a bucket of warm water and use it to mop your floors or wipe down your counters and other surfaces. If this seems like the right fit for you, then give Dr. Bonner’s Sal Suds Liquid Cleaner a try!

2) ECOS Earth Friendly Products Orange All-Purpose Cleaner

When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, you need a product that can tackle a variety of surfaces and tough stains.

ECOS Earth Friendly Products Orange All-Purpose Cleaner is a powerful and effective cleaner that will leave your bathroom shining! It is made with plant-derived surfactants and essential oils, so it is gentle on your skin and the environment. The lemongrass scent is a refreshing addition to your cleaning routine. The all-purpose cleaner is safe to use on a variety of surfaces such as glass, tile, ceramic, porcelain, stainless steel, fiberglass, and more. Plus, it can be used in both hard and soft water.

For the toughest messes, pre-treat the area before wiping clean.

With ECOS Earth Friendly Products Orange All-Purpose Cleaner, you don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals – this product is nontoxic, biodegradable, and free of phosphates and dyes. So if you’re looking for an effective, safe way to clean your bathroom, ECOS Earth Friendly Products Orange All-Purpose Cleaner is the way to go!

3) Seventh Generation Liquid Laundry Detergent

When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, you want to make sure that you use a product that is safe and effective.

Seventh Generation Liquid Laundry Detergent is a great choice for the job. It is made with plant-based ingredients and free of dyes, optical brighteners, and synthetic fragrances, making it a safe and nontoxic option. It is also highly effective at getting rid of dirt and stains, while being gentle on fabrics. With its concentrated formula, a little bit of detergent goes a long way, making it a great value for your money.

4) Better Life Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, you might be looking for a cleaning product that is both effective and safe for the environment.

Better Life Natural All-Purpose Cleaner is a great choice for what I use to clean my bathroom. This plant-based cleaner contains no dyes, phosphates, or synthetic fragrances and is safe for use on all surfaces in the bathroom, including sinks, toilets, showers, tubs, and counters. Not only is it non-toxic, but it is also hypoallergenic and pH balanced so it is gentle on sensitive skin. It cuts through dirt, grease, and grime with ease and leaves behind a light citrus scent. It also has a rating of “A” on the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning, making it a great choice for those looking for an eco-friendly and nontoxic cleaner.

5) Mrs. Meyers Honeysuckle Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner

Mrs. Meyers Honeysuckle Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner is the perfect choice for those looking to clean their bathroom with a product that is both natural and effective.

This cleaner is 99.9% naturally derived, free of synthetic fragrances and preservatives, and is also non-toxic, biodegradable, and pH balanced. It’s safe to use on surfaces such as tile, countertops, toilets, tubs, and more. The best part about this cleaner is its pleasant smell—it’s made with essential oils from flowers like honeysuckle, jasmine, and ylang-ylang. With Mrs. Meyers Honeysuckle Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner, you can be sure that you’re using a cleaner that’s both safe and effective for all your bathroom cleaning needs!

6) Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner

When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, one of the most important things to keep clean is your toilet bowl.

This is why it’s important to find a toilet bowl cleaner that is effective and nontoxic. Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a great choice for your bathroom cleaning needs. It is made with plant-based cleaning ingredients, making it both powerful and safe for use around your home. It eliminates 99.9% of household germs and removes stains from your toilet bowl. Additionally, it is free from harsh chemicals like chlorine, phosphates, and dyes, making it a safe and effective product to use in your home.

What makes this product even better is its lovely citrus scent, which will leave your bathroom smelling great. If you’re looking for a safe and reliable way to keep your toilet bowl clean, then Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner is an excellent choice.

7) Green Works All-Purpose Cleaner

When it comes to what I use to clean my bathroom, one of the best solutions is Green Works All-Purpose Cleaner.

This cleaner is made from 98% naturally derived ingredients, so you can rest easy knowing that it’s both safe and effective. It’s great for all types of surfaces, including countertops, floors, and walls, and it can tackle tough dirt and grime without the need for harsh chemicals or scrubbing. Plus, its light citrus scent will leave your bathroom smelling fresh and clean. So if you’re looking for a nontoxic, powerful all-purpose cleaner, Green Works All-Purpose Cleaner is a great choice.

nontoxic cleaning products for your bathroom
Plan: B Cleaning Services of Fishers, IN

Let us handle the cleaning for you!

At Plan: B Cleaning, we understand that it can be difficult to find the right cleaning products for your bathroom. That’s why we provide safe, nontoxic cleaners that you can trust to keep your home sparkling clean and germ-free.

With every cleaning we do, we make sure to educate our customers about what we use and why so they can feel confident in our services.

We specialize in residential and commercial cleaning, and our experienced team of professionals is located in Fishers, Indiana, serving Carmel IN, Noblesville IN, Westfield IN, Geist IN, Hamilton County IN and surrounding areas. We take great care in using the highest quality nontoxic cleaning products available, so you never have to worry about what to use to clean your bathroom.

Our range of eco-friendly solutions are all-natural and free from harsh chemicals, leaving your home looking and smelling fresh. Plus, we are thorough with every cleaning job we do, so you can rest assured that your home will be sparkling clean when we’re finished.

If you want a deep clean without the hassle of having to source and use the right products yourself, then let us handle the cleaning for you! With Plan: B Cleaning, you can feel confident that your home will be left clean and healthy. Call 317-572-8515, email, or request your free estimate online!


The Top 5 Reasons to Use a Townhouse Cleaning Service

Are you looking for a reliable and professional townhouse cleaning service? If so, you are in luck! Using a townhouse cleaning service is a great way to make sure that your living space is kept clean and free of dust and dirt. Not only do townhouse cleaning services provide a deep clean for your apartment or townhouse, but they also offer a wide range of services such as apartment detail cleaning, dusting, and more. In this blog post, we will explore the top 5 reasons why it is beneficial to use a townhouse cleaning service.

1) Hiring a townhouse cleaning service saves your time

If you are looking to save time when it comes to deep cleaning your apartment or townhouse, hiring a cleaning service is the way to go. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out what needs to be done, a professional team will come in and take care of everything for you. Plus, if you use a company like Plan: B Cleaning that specializes in apartment and townhouse cleaning services, they will know exactly what needs to be done and do it quickly and efficiently. In fact, they can often finish cleaning an entire apartment or townhouse in a few hours. So, if you need your apartment or townhouse cleaned out in a hurry, hiring a cleaning service like Plan: B Cleaning or one of the many Indy maid services in Noblesville is your best bet.

2) You’ll have more energy

A deep clean of your apartment or townhouse can help you save energy and time. Hiring a professional cleaning service like Plan: B Cleaning can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. The team at Plan: B Cleaning will do all the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning out your entire apartment. This means that you can spend more time doing things you enjoy and have the energy to do them. Plus, with our quality maid services, you can rest assured that your home will be cleaned to the highest standard. So if you live in the Noblesville area, consider using a local Indy maid service for your next deep clean.

3) A clean home keeps you healthy

When you deep clean your home, you are creating a healthier living environment for yourself and your family. Deep cleaning removes dust, dirt, and other particles that can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. This is especially true for those with allergies or asthma. A deep clean can also help to reduce the amount of pet dander and dust mites that can linger in your apartment or townhouse.

If you’re looking to take your home’s health to the next level, consider hiring a professional cleaning service like Plan: B Cleaning to do the job. Not only will they deep clean your home and remove all the dirt, but they can also offer additional services such as carpet cleaning, window washing, and more. In addition, these services are available throughout Noblesville, allowing you to easily clean out your apartment or townhouse with a quality clean out apartment service.

So if you’re looking to take your home’s health to the next level, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. They’ll make sure your home is deep cleaned, helping you and your family breathe easier and feel healthier.

4) Your home will receive the best deep clean

When you hire a professional cleaning service like Plan: B Cleaning as your Indy maid services, you can be sure that your home will be cleaned to the highest standard. Plan: B specializes in deep cleaning apartments and townhouses, meaning that we don’t just clean the surface but also get into all of the hard-to-reach places. Additionally, we use professional grade products and equipment to ensure that every nook and cranny is thoroughly cleaned. Plus, our cleaning services offer additional services such as stain removal, pet odor removal, and more. This ensures that your home is cleaner than ever before!

5) You’ll be able to relax

When it comes to deep cleaning your townhouse, you should never have to sacrifice your valuable free time. That’s why enlisting a professional cleaning service is always the best option. With a reliable cleaning service like Plan: B Cleaning, you won’t have to worry about taking time out of your day for tedious cleaning chores. When you hire a professional cleaning service to clean out your apartment or townhouse, you can finally relax knowing that all the hard work is done for you. That way, you can take back your free time and use it however you’d like!

Contact us!

Are you looking for a reliable townhouse or apartment cleaning service in Noblesville? Plan: B Cleaning is experienced and provides top quality services to ensure that your townhouse or apartment is spotless. Our services are tailored to meet your individual needs, so no job is too big or small for us. We proudly serve Hamilton County IN, Fishers IN, Carmel IN, Noblesville IN, Geist IN, Broad Ripple IN, Westfield IN, and other surrounding areas.

So don’t hesitate – get in touch with our townhouse cleaning and apartment detail cleaning service today to start your journey toward a clean and healthy home! Request a free estimate online or give us a call today.


Out with the Old, In with the New: How to Make Healthy Cleaning Habits in 2023

The most important thing you can do at the start of the New Year is to make healthy changes, particularly in your cleaning and lifestyle habits. While any time is a good time to make a change, the new year is often a good time for reflection and action. Additionally, it’s very easy to lose your focus on this as the year goes on, and it’s likely that you’ll need to change your habits more than once as you go through life. Here are some tips from Plan: B Cleaning on how to start new year’s resolutions with healthy cleaning habits, and then maintain those cleaning habits throughout the rest of the year!

Resolve to start a good habit

The new year is a great time to start fresh and develop healthy habits that will stick with you throughout the year if you are consistent. A good place to start is by evaluating your living space and making sure it’s clean and organized. This will help you feel less stressed and more productive.

Here are some tips to get you started on getting into healthier habits this year:

  • Before you begin, set yourself up for success by laying out what needs to be done. Don’t overwhelm yourself, just pick one or two tasks each day so that they can be completed before moving on to the next task.
  • Use Google calendar, a tracking app, paper planner, or agenda to help you stay organized regarding key dates and key tasks. Update regularly to ensure you are working toward your goals daily. No system is foolproof, so do what works best for you!
  • Encourage yourself along the way! You can set up a reward system or way to incentivize yourself. Treat yourself however you want, with whatever budget you have! Treats can include a shopping spree, spa day, or even smaller items along the way. If you like to journal, you can purchase another item of stationery. If you enjoy baking, you can invest in a new tray or icing tip set. Invest in yourself and your interests. Positive reinforcement can go a long way! You also need to maintain discipline.

How to develop the discipline you need

If you’re someone who struggles to keep up with healthy cleaning habits and holding yourself accountable, then developing discipline is key. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Set realistic goals for yourself – Don’t try to change everything at once, focus on one or two things that you really want to improve.
  • Make a plan – Once you know what your goals are, come up with a plan of action on how you’re going to achieve them. This can include scheduling time for yourself, setting reminders, or finding an accountability partner.
  • Start small – Take baby steps and celebrate each accomplishment along the way.

Small changes lead to big results

If you’re like most people, you probably want to focus on improving your health and well-being in 2023. Cleaning is a big part of health and well being, and a great New Year’s resolution. Dust, grime, and allergens in the cracks and crevices of your home can harm your immune system in the long run. There may also be mold growing and hiding in dingy spaces. Small changes lead to big results!

Even if you spend five minutes to put away or wipe down as much as you can, your home or office will gradually become more organized and cleaner. Try not to be intimidated by what seems like a daunting task. Little by little, you can work toward a clean space whenever you have some extra time.

Be patient – Changing cleaning habits takes time so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

It may seem like every time you clean, it gets messy again. Dust comes back, dishes pile up, and so on. Changing habits takes time so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. You need to be patient with yourself and focus on grace and gratitude as well!

Storage and organization hacks for every room in your home

One way to keep things clean is by decluttering and organizing your home. A tidy space can help you feel calmer and more in control. Plus, if the stuff is all picked up and put away, it is easier to wipe down, vacuum and so on. Plus, it can make it easier to find things when you need them or want to put them back. Follow these simple storage and organization hacks for every room in your home!

  • Use bins. Bins come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and even textures. You can find a fabric bin, plastic bin, and so on. You can place them in any room and fill them with any thing
  • Use racks and shelves. Use shoe racks, book shelves, and more. This investment goes a long way!
  • Use labels! Labels make it easier to see what is inside these bins and boxes. You can use a label or simply create your own with paper and pen!

3 Do-It-Yourself Ideas to Elevate Your Space

  1. Give your front door a fresh coat of paint. This will instantly add curb appeal and make your home feel more welcoming.
  2. Plant some flowers or shrubs in pots near your front door. This will add color and life to your home’s exterior.
  3. Hang some wind chimes near your front door or in your backyard. This will create a calming atmosphere and help you relax after a long day.

Is cleaning on your resolution list for the year? Start 2023 off right by getting your space in order! You’ll feel more productive and less stressed when your environment is clean, tidy, and well decorated.

Contact Us!

We’ll do the cleaning while you and your loved ones focus on celebrating and working toward your new goals! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service for your home or office to ring in the new year, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and start the new year off strong in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


8 Holiday Pop-Ups and Events Near Indianapolis

Are you looking for some fun holiday pop-ups and events near Indianapolis, Indiana? Look no further! Indianapolis has plenty of great holiday festivities to enjoy this season. From family-friendly events to adult-only nights, there is something for everyone. Here are 8 of the best holiday pop-ups and events in and around Indianapolis that you won’t want to miss!

1) Christmas Nights of Lights at the Indiana State Fairgrounds

It’s time to get into the holiday spirit with the Christmas Nights of Lights show at the Indiana State Fairgrounds! This drive-through light show is perfect for getting into the holiday spirit without leaving your car. You’ll be able to watch as 1.5 miles of synchronized lights twinkle and sparkle, creating a magical experience that’s perfect for the whole family. Plus, the show will be even more magical with holiday music playing in the background. Don’t miss this amazing experience!

2) Tinseltown

Tinseltown is the answer to all your Christmas cravings this winter! Located near Indianapolis, Indiana, Tinseltown is a pop-up Christmas event that will have you feeling merry and bright. From the moment you walk in, you’ll be welcomed by festive decorations and cheerful holiday tunes.

At Tinseltown, there’s something for everyone. If you’re looking to get into the holiday spirit, meet Santa and his elves or take part in some Christmas crafts. If you’re looking for something a little more adult, there’s an extensive Christmas cocktail menu and other winter drinks to sip on.

So if you’re looking for a unique way to celebrate the holidays this season, look no further than Tinseltown!

3) Yuletide Celebration at Hilbert Circle Theatre

There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than attending the Yuletide Celebration at Hilbert Circle Theatre. Emmy-nominated singer Frankie Moreno will light up the stage as he shares his piano and vocal talents with the audience. Along with members of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, guests will be able to enjoy a night of new holiday music as well as beloved favorites.

This event is sure to be a memorable experience for all in attendance. With the festive atmosphere and incredible music, it’s the perfect place to kick off the holiday season. The Yuletide Celebration at Hilbert Circle Theatre is an event that is not to be missed. Get your tickets today and prepare to be swept away by Frankie Moreno and the ISO’s magical performance!

4) Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure

Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure is a one-of-a-kind holiday experience that’s sure to make your spirits soar! Located at the Eiteljorg Museum in downtown Indianapolis, this amazing exhibition will transport you to a world of miniature landscapes, incredible model trains, and stunning holiday lighting.

As soon as you step into Jingle Rails, you’ll be amazed by the nine working model trains winding through the museum’s detailed landscape. You’ll be able to admire iconic Indianapolis landmarks such as Monument Circle, Union Station, and Lucas Oil Stadium in miniature form. The exhibition also contains miniature replicas of some of the nation’s most spectacular sites like Mt. Rushmore, Grand Canyon, Yosemite Falls, Old Faithful, the Las Vegas Strip, Hoover Dam, and more!

Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure is an unforgettable holiday experience that everyone in your family can enjoy. With its incredible combination of model trains, stunning scenery, and festive holiday lights, it truly brings the spirit of Christmas alive! So if you’re looking for something special to do in Indianapolis this holiday season, Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure should definitely be on your list.

5) A Merry Prairie Holiday

For those who prefer a traditional Christmas feel, the William Conner House at a Merry Prairie Holiday is a must-see. Get ready for an immersive 3D mapping display of Twas the Night Before Christmas that will light up your night. You can also hop on Kringle’s Carousel, a festive ride for all ages, or take a stroll through Reynolds lights to bask in the Christmas glow.

If you’re looking for something a bit more adventurous, then the light tunnel to Tubing Hill might be just the thing. Brave the glowing tubes and feel like you’re flying through the night sky. And, if you want to learn about holiday traditions from other parts of the world, be sure to check out the Holidays From Around The World show.

So don’t let this holiday season pass by without experiencing something new. Step out of your comfort zone and explore. We guarantee you won’t regret it!

6) A Christmas Carol at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre

Take a journey with Ebenezer Scrooge as you get into the holiday spirit at A Christmas Carol at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre! This one-hour musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ timeless classic follows Scrooge’s transformation from a miserly old man to one who understands the true meaning of kindness and love.

The show is filled with traditional carols, as well as three spirits from the past, present, and future that help Scrooge along his journey. As you follow the story, you’ll be treated to a delicious buffet lunch or dinner prior to all performances. So come out for a night of music, cheer, and some timeless holiday fun!

7) Winter Wonderland at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

This holiday season, the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is the place to be for family-friendly fun! Make lasting memories with your loved ones during the museum’s final farewell to their beloved Jolly Days experience. Enjoy traditional favorites like Jingles the Jolly Bear and visits with Santa, who will be at the museum from Nov. 25th – Dec. 24th.

Take a thrilling journey down the Yule Slide and make it snow in the Giant Snow Globe. Meet characters from your favorite holiday stories, such as Scrooge and Mrs. Claus. Get active with some ice skating in your socks and explore the Ice Castle. Don’t forget to bring your letter to Santa and drop it off at the Letters to Santa box!

Visit the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis this holiday season and make sure you don’t miss out on this final farewell to Jolly Days. Create lasting memories with your family and friends that will stay with you for years to come.

8) Christmas at the Indianapolis Zoo

This holiday season, the Indianapolis Zoo is brimming with extra special events and activities to make your festive spirit soar. From December 1-30, they’re offering eight amazing holiday pop-ups that will add some extra cheer to your visit.

Take a trip to Santa’s Study, where you can meet Kris Kringle himself and get a selfie with the man in red. He’ll be there from 5pm until close, with Vacation Santa joining him from 3-9 pm at Flights of Fancy. Visit Mrs. Claus where you can decorate cookies alongside her each day.

At Santa’s Barn, you can see his sleigh and a few of his reindeer, and if you’re feeling adventurous, make your way through the Polar Pathway. This glittering tunnel will provide a stunning backdrop for any pictures you take!

Storytime with Sprinkles & Holly is an absolute must! Meet these new characters every night outside Cafe on the Commons and hear their festive tales. For a more hands-on experience, head over to the Penguin Encounter and observe these winter-ready birds from 6-8pm (animal and weather dependent).

If you’re looking for something even more unique, the Tinsel Tavern has holiday-themed cocktails featuring Hotel Tango spirits and wines from Daniel’s Vineyard. And last but not least, you can laugh your way through the Mirror Maze and enjoy some fun twists and turns. So grab your family or a group of friends and come check out the Indianapolis Zoo’s amazing holiday pop-ups! There’s something here for everyone to enjoy.

Let Us Handle the Cleaning Chores

You shouldn’t have to worry about cleaning chores during the holidays. Let us take care your home while you and your loved ones enjoy the holiday pop-ups and events!

With Plan: B Cleaning, you can sign up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service. We’ll clean while you spend time on what you enjoy most and attend holiday festivities near Indianapolis. We serve homeowners or business owners in Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist in Hamilton County Indiana, call today to set up your house cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


Top Ten Christmas Gift Ideas That Will Please Anybody

As you probably know, finding the perfect gift can be tough when you’re shopping for someone who seemingly has everything they need and want. To help make your shopping experience easier this holiday season and ensure your loved ones are impressed, here are ten Christmas gifts that will please anyone you give them to. Let’s take a look at each one in more detail below!

1. Give Your Time

One of the best Christmas gifts you can give is your time. Plan out a calendar of dates with special meaning to your loved one. This could be going on a walk together once a week, grabbing coffee every Tuesday morning, or having a standing date for lunch every month. Quality time is hard to come by and highly cherished. When you commit to spending time with someone else, they will know how much they mean to you. Another great idea is giving someone a day-off from their responsibilities. Plan something fun like visiting an amusement park or taking them out for dinner at their favorite restaurant. Be creative!

2. The Gift of Taste

It’s tough to go wrong with the gift of taste. You can bake something special, give a new cookbook or some fun kitchen gadgets, or even pick up a few restaurant gift cards. This gift is thoughtful for anyone and works no matter what stage of life someone is since we all have to eat! For example, for a college student or someone moving into their first apartment, they would probably really appreciate the kitchen supplies. For someone trying to get into cooking, new recipes would be key. For someone who loves your cooking, take a treat! The list goes on.

3. Boost Their Self-Esteem

Give the gift of self-esteem! This just means to give something emphasizing self care and how loved they are. Here are some ideas:

1. A personalized mug with a positive message
2. A “You’re Awesome” jar filled with encouraging notes
3. A new outfit they will feel great in
4. A book on self-care or personal development
5. A framed print or piece of art with an uplifting message

These are great Christmas gifts because they are highly customizable and also uplifting for any occasion!

4. Treat Them To A Massage

One of the best gifts you can give somebody is the gift of relaxation. A day at the spa or a massage will help them to forget their troubles and just enjoy being pampered. This is a great gift for anybody who is feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. Gift certificates are available in many different denominations and may be purchased in advance if desired. The most common locations for massages are salons, spas, gyms, chiropractors’ offices, beauty salons, resorts and hotel spas. However, many professional therapists provide this service in private homes or small office settings as well. It’s always nice to know that you’re getting the best service possible by booking with someone reputable so it’s worth taking some time to research which place would suit your loved one’s needs the best.

5. Contribute to An Experience

A great way to show you care is by contributing to an experience. Concert tickets, for example, are always a great idea. They can be used by the recipient at their convenience and provide them with an enjoyable evening out. Alternatively, if your loved one enjoys traveling, you could help save up for a trip abroad. By giving the gift of an experience, you’re sure to please anyone on your list this holiday season. By giving an experience, you will help their dreams come true and also give the gift of new memories!

6. Buy Them A Personalized Gift

A personalized gift is always a great way to show somebody that you care. It shows that you have put thought into what they would like and that you are willing to go the extra mile to make them feel special. A great place to start when looking for a personalized gift is with monogrammed items. You can find monogrammed items for almost anybody now, from clothes to jewelry to home decor. If you want to really wow them, look for a unique item that can be monogrammed with their initials, like a pair of custom-made cufflinks or a leather-bound notebook.

7. A Gift That Keeps On Giving

A subscription to a magazine, a monthly delivery of flowers, or even tickets to a show or concert series are all Christmas gifts that keep on giving long after the holiday is over. For the foodie in your life, consider treating them to a year-long subscription to a foodie box service like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh so they can experience new recipes each week. If you know someone who loves yoga, spin class or anything like that, look into ClassPass or similar subscriptions. There really is a subscription system for each person in your life to continue enjoying even after Christmas!

8. Movie Night Gift Basket

A movie night gift basket is the perfect present for anybody on your list. It’s thoughtful, personal, and something that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Plus, it’s easy to put together! Here’s what you’ll need …

– A movie or two (discs are old fashioned but loved)
– Popcorn or other favorite snacks
– Chocolate, candy, and other sweet treats
– Drinks of choice

You can also add …
– Movie related goodies like Funko Pops, legos, shirts
– Blankets and pillows to get cozy

Gift baskets are great because of how easy but customizable and useful they are!

9. Help Them Organize

Help them organize what they already have or just organize their day! Here are 8 Christmas gifts related to organization – just in time for the New Year!

1. A day planner or wall calendar
2. A set of shelves or racks
3. Plastic storage bins of various sizes
4. Hanging closet organizer
5. Under-bed storage containers
6. Stackable food storage containers
7. A laundry hamper or basket
8. Jewelry Box

10. Give the Gift of Cleaning!

Give the gift of cleaning! This one is our favorite. Gift a cleaning voucher for Plan: B Cleaning Services or schedule an appointment for your loved ones. This is a great gift as it gives the gift of time, less stress, and a clean home all in one!

Contact Us!

Contact Us! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service to treat yourself or your loved ones this holiday season, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy the holiday festivities in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


10 Things to Be Thankful For This Fall

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year, and you’ll enjoy it even more if you can muster up a few moments to be thankful for what you have. This season offers a lot of opportunities to focus on gratitude, such as pumpkin patches and corn mazes, football games and leaf peeping, getting together with family and friends, and taking in the gorgeous reds, oranges, yellows, and greens of nature around you. Here are 10 things to be thankful for this fall. Here at Plan B: Cleaning, we hope this list inspires you to slow down, and really focus on grace and gratitude!

1) Enjoying the changing of fall leaves

The leaves changing color is one of the most beautiful things about fall. Every year, it’s like Mother Nature is putting on a colorful show just for us. And it’s something we can enjoy for free! Just take a walk outside and look up. You’ll see reds, oranges, yellows, and browns all mixed together in a gorgeous display.

2) Catching up with friends and family

Friends and family are the best part of fall. There’s nothing like spending time with the people you love, whether you’re picking apples together or simply enjoying a nice meal. The cooler weather is also a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

Take some time to go the extra mile and show gratitude to your loved ones! Everyone loves to feel appreciated every once in a while. You can write a “thank you” note, treat them to coffee, or anything else that comes to mind!

3) Switching from summer clothes to warm sweaters

There’s nothing like the feeling of pulling on a cozy sweater after a long summer of sweltering heat. Fall fashion is so comfy and cozy – you can finally put away those light, airy summer clothes and break out the boots and scarves. Speaking of boots, there’s nothing like a good pair of fall boots to complete your outfit. Whether you’re looking for something practical to trudge through the leaves in, or something stylish to wear out on the town, there’s a boot out there for you. Just put on your favorite sweater, and bundle up with hats, scarves, and mittens if you need to. Even if you are not a fan of layers, it is a good time to appreciate the warmth of your clothes and be thankful for all that is in your closet!

4) The aroma of fall scented candles

When it comes to fall scents, there are a few that stand out. One of the most popular is the smell of pumpkin spice. This scent can be found in candles, air fresheners, and even some food and drinks. Another popular fall scent is the smell of cinnamon. This spice is often used in baking, so it’s no surprise that it’s a popular scent for candles and other home fragrance products. There are also some less traditional fall scents that are becoming more popular, like the smell of wood smoke or even tobacco. Whatever your favorite fall scent is, there’s sure to be a candle or other product that can help you enjoy it all season long! It is a good time to slow down, smell the candle, and be thankful for your sense of smell so you can enjoy unique scents this fall, as well as throughout the year!

5) The endless fall goodies

Fall is the best season for baked goods. There’s pumpkin bread, apple pie, and caramel apples. Not to mention all of the leftover Halloween candy. What’s not to love? Be appreciative of these ingredients, these treats, and whoever gets or bakes them for you!

6) Thanksgiving activities

Thanksgiving is a great time to catch up with loved ones and make new memories. From turkey and stuffing to pumpkin pie, there are so many amazing dishes to enjoy on Thanksgiving. Different families have different traditions and cuisines for this day, but we can all be thankful for this opportunity to be surrounded by good food, good friends, and family!

7) Catching up on all your favorite shows

We all know that feeling of catching up on our favorite shows. You know, when you finally have some free time and you can just sit down and chill out in front of the TV. It’s the best.

8) Football season

Speaking of TV, sports are starting back up again! Football season is just around the corner. There’s nothing like watching a good game on the couch with friends and family. Check out your favorite team’s schedule and see if you can get tickets for any games! Either way, the football, food, and friends add up to a great ambiance!

9) Winter is here soon and more holidays

After fall, we still have weather and festivities to look forward to. That is the beauty of seasons changing and time passing! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, and so on, it is time to be thankful for such events and their significance. Of course, this includes dressing up, eating well, and spending time with loved ones!

10) A clean home for the fall

Be thankful for your home! But, you know what would make it better? If it was cleaner! Contact us and schedule a weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning! We offer recurring cleaning services, as well as one-time cleaning services. Look forward to a clean home, be thankful for a clean home!

Contact Us!

Contact Us! You do the holiday decorating, we’ll do the cleaning! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service to treat yourself or your loved ones this holiday season, you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy the holiday festivities in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


Are You Ready to Invest in a Professional Cleaning Service?

Tired of the dishes piled up? Dreading picking up the broom? Feel like your home will never be clean? Your home is where your family makes memories and spends time together, so it’s important to make sure it’s a clean and safe environment for both residents and visitors. If you are not satisfied with the state of your home and need a break from the chores, you can hire our cleaning company to do it for you! This will allow you to take care of more important things in life, while still enjoying the benefits of a clean home. Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a professional cleaning service provided by Plan: B Cleaning.

Declutter and Deep Clean

Decluttering is exactly what it sounds like – getting rid of or at least reorganizing the clutter in your home. In tandem, deep cleaning is a thorough cleaning of your home which includes all surfaces such as floors and countertops in addition to larger areas like high windows or other hard-to-reach areas. Plus, our deep cleanings will get into corners and crevices you had completely forgotten about. We will get the dust, grime, and all out to leave you with a fresh feeling. This is especially great if you have not been able to keep up with cleaning recently because we can help you get back on track. Decluttering and deep cleaning with Plan: B Cleaning is a whole reset for not only your home but also your lifestyle!

Alleviate Stress

There are many ways in which our cleaning company can deliver value to your family. One way is by alleviating stress. We all know how stressful it can be to keep your home clean and tidy on a day-to-day basis. Tasks like washing, drying, folding and putting away laundry, vacuuming, mopping the floors, and washing dishes can take up hours of time every week. It almost feels like they never end. A cleaning company can help reduce this stress by taking care of these tasks for you. Reducing stress also leads to better sleep, and other health benefits. Overall, this will allow you to spend more time doing things that you enjoy.

Instead of thinking about the dishes you have to do and rooms you have to vacuum, you will be able to enjoy your time with your friends and family, and even at work, in a more peaceful and present manner. Additionally, we are pet-friendly and kid-friendly, as well as judgment-free, so you have nothing to worry about when signing up for our professional cleaning service! Watch your home and your relationships thrive when stress is alleviated with Plan: B Cleaning!

Increase Productivity

Additionally, a clean environment boosts productivity. When your space is clean, you’re more likely to work efficiently and get more done. Plus, you will be able to find everything you need in a more convenient manner. This is especially important if you work from home or are trying to establish a personal productive routine indoors. Not only does a cleaner environment increase productivity, but it can also reduce stress levels, which is one again key here.

A clean environment boosts productivity, creativity, and happiness. Not only that, but a tidy space helps you sleep better, lowers your risk of getting sick and means less time spent cleaning and more time spent on what matters most to you. If that doesn’t convince you – we don’t know what will! Clean spaces make us feel happier and healthier, which is another reason why our cleaning company delivers value to your family.

Long Term Savings

Of course, having someone clean for you is convenient. But did you ever think about how it is also a wise long-term investment? You will save money in the long run by not having to pay for new furniture, carpets, supplies or health costs related to germs and bacteria. For example, your furniture will remain shiny. Your carpets will not get as dusty and stained, or matted. Plus, they will have less balls of hair and fur. You won’t even have to buy as many chemicals and cleaning supplies, as we will be bringing our own. We got you covered with the best cleaning supplies on the market! And on top of all that, the value of your actual house will remain higher, as it will be in great condition. Evidently, regular cleaning services from Plan: B Cleaning’s professional cleaning service are worth the investment!

More Time to Do What You Love

With Plan: B Cleaning by your side, you’ll have more time to do what you love. You’ll have more time for work, hobbies, spending time with family, and simply relaxing. If you’re tired of doing chores after work, or dedicating your weekend to chores instead – a cleaning company will make your life so much easier. We take care of everything for you! The last thing you want is to come home from a long day at work to find that you need to spend your precious time scrubbing toilets and dusting shelves. That’s why our cleaners will clean up around the house and prioritize high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and floors. Whether you need a little extra help around the house or some serious deep cleaning done on a regular basis, we’re here for you! Visit our website for more information about how our team of professionals can make life easier for your family today.

Contact Us!

We’ll do the cleaning while you and your loved ones get to relax and spend more precious moments together! If you are looking to hire a professional cleaning service for your home (or even your office), you know who to call!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan: B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and start the new year off strong in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at


8 Side Hustles to Help You Save for Your Dream Cleaning Service

If you’re like many people, you might find that it’s getting harder to afford a cleaning service with the price of groceries and gas increasing. Or it may just not be in your budget yet. But don’t worry! There are tons of side hustles that can help you build up your savings so that you have the ability to pay for your home to be cleaned by Plan: B Cleaning or your cleaning service when the time comes!

We want to help you save! We want to clean your home! Hence, we came up with this list of 8 hustles to help you save for your dream cleaning service. You can also check out our website for promotions and discounts that we run!

1) Start an Etsy Store

If you’re creative and crafty, why not start an Etsy store? You can sell handmade goods, vintage finds, and more. Plus, it’s a great way to make some extra cash to help save for your cleaning service. Here are a few tips to get started:

1) Visit the Etsy website to learn about becoming a seller.
2) Sign up for Etsy with your email address, password, and phone number
3) Upload photos of the items you plan on selling
4) Set up prices and shipping fees
5) Start posting listings with clear descriptions of what you have to offer.

If you are able to design digital products like Canva templates, greeting cards, or something similar, that would be even better to generate passive income since you would only have to design it once but could sell the PDF over and over again!

2) Research Studies and Surveys

You can participate in research studies and surveys near you for some extra cash! A great way to find such research studies is to sign up on market research and consumer research sites. College campuses nearby also have several opportunities as such.

Next, you can also opt for surveys, but these are not as large sums of cash at once. Instead, they will add up slowly. But, surveys are still a good idea as you can do them from any digitial device from any place.

3) Invest in Social Media

If you’re looking for a creative and affordable way to grow your personal brand and make some extra money, why not start with social media? With a little time and effort, you can grow your social media accounts and reach new potential customers for your small business or unique products.

You can also create user-generated content and advertisements for companies and get paid for the content you provide them! Another similar technique is going viral several times and being invited to join the creator fund. Several platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and even Instagram, offer bonuses for viral content and completing challenges after you have reached a certain amount of followers and engagement.

Look into these up-and-coming trends and you are likely to find something you not only can make money from, but also something you can enjoy!

4) Offer Baby Sitting & Pet Sitting

Have you ever considered offering your services as a baby or pet sitter? If you love spending time with animals and children, this could be the perfect way to make some extra money. Plus, you get to choose the days you work as well as the rate you charge. Apps like Rover are great for finding leads to pet sit and just talking with neighbors and networking will help in finding leads to babysit!

People are looking for someone they can trust and who they feel comfortable with so spend some time getting ready by becoming CPR certified. You can also look into other certifications for taking care of kids and pets! You can also offer additional services like doing arts and crafts or teaching the kid a sport while you sit. Similarly, you can agree to take the pets to a pet park or multiple walks. These extra offerings will make you stand out!

5) Sell Old Clothes

Have a garage sale, sell items online, or take them to a consignment shop. This is a great way to get rid of old clothes and things you no longer need and make some extra cash.

Doesn’t fit? Not your style anymore? Running out of room in your closet? Sell stuff online. If you’re handy with a phone camera, it’s possible to make some cash selling clothes online, too. Posting a few high-quality photos on apps like eBay, Poshmark and Mercari can net you some sales quickly! If you are able to write good, detailed descriptions, your items will sell even faster. This is a great way to make some of your money back while cleaning out!

There are many factors in play when deciding which side hustle will work best for you. If you are not very tech savvy or just don’t want to invest that kind of time, you can also just have a one day garage sale or take your clothes and accessories to a consignment shop. Some include Plato’s Closet, Uptown Cheapskate, and Kid to Kid. There are also other local alternatives. Find what works for you!

6) Neighborhood Jobs

You do not have to look too far for small tasks and jobs. Look in your neighborhood!

You can reach out to your neighbors, through a neighborhood chat or Facebook page. Most folks in Fishers, Indiana are kind and welcoming to their neighbors so do not be afraid to put yourselves out there.

If you have a lawn mower and some basic landscaping equipment, you could start your own lawn care business. This is a great way to make some extra money during the summer months. Just be sure to advertise your services in your neighborhood and online.

You can also do odd jobs for neighbors! From shoveling snow to painting fences, there are always odd jobs that need to be done around the neighborhood. You can help organize someone’s home or help them pack boxes to move out. You can go pick up groceries or kids from soccer practice. There is bound to be someone in your neighborhood who could use some extra help and would be happy to pay for it!

7) Freelance Work

There are many benefits of freelance work, including the ability to choose your own hours, work from home, and set your own rates. Plus, if you’re good at what you do, you can often make more money freelancing than you would be working a traditional 9-to-5 job. Here are eight types of freelance work that can help you save money for your dream cleaning service:

1. Freelance writing or blogging
2. Social media consulting
3. Virtual assistant services
4. Business coaching
5. Personal training
6. Online courses
7. Home organization services
8. Photography

With remote work becoming a popular option, these are great ways to make money from home, using just your laptop and your skills. Check out sites like Upwork and LinkedIn for leads!

8) Doordash, Uber, Instacart

Apps like Doordash, Uber, and Instacart are great for a side hustle. You can choose your hours and how frequently you choose to work. This is perfect for someone who likes to drive and listen to music. You can drive passengers, deliver food, and pick up groceries. You can also meet a lot of people this way and enjoy the company!

Contact Us!

Contact Us! If you are looking to hire a cleaning service for yourself and have saved up using these tips, you know who to call. Our cleaning team enjoys cleaning and making you smile – that is why it is their job!

We recommend signing up for a one-time, weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleaning service with Plan B Cleaning. This will give you the time to do what you love most and enjoy the fall festivities in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning serves the Hamilton County area in Indiana, including Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Fortville, and Geist. Call today to set up your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit our website at