
How to Get Your Bathroom Spotless

A clean bathroom can be an absolute treat to come home to after a long day. But cleaning your bathroom doesn’t have to take up your entire weekend – and with some careful planning, it can even be pretty easy and the results will be worth it! Check out this guide on how to get your bathroom spotless and enjoy your clean space all week long.

DIY or Professionals?

As they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself. While that might be true in many situations, when it comes to getting your bathroom clean and sparkling, hiring a professional cleaning company is a much better route. Using professional bathroom cleaning services will ensure your grout gets cleaned thoroughly, tiles come out sparkling and tubs are cleaned well enough that you won’t even have to worry about them for weeks.

If you find your schedule is too hectic and your bathroom is getting dirtier and dirtier, a professional cleaning service is the right choice for you. Whether you want to free up more time for yourself or for family or friends, hiring a cleaning company can do that for you. You’ll have more time to do what you love and always have a clean bathroom!

If you do have the time (or you just like cleaning), the DIY route can be simplified so that your bathroom is always looking and smelling fresh. Keep reading on to learn the best way to get your bathroom spotless!

Clean the Shower and Tub

While a clogged drain can be frustrating, it’s an easy problem to fix. If your shower or tub is starting to look grungy, it might be time for deep cleaning. The first step is emptying out whatever gunk has been building up in there over time. 

You can start by using a drain-clearing product that you can find at most stores, such as Drano. If you are looking for a natural alternative to Draino, try using baking soda and white vinegar! Put a good amount of baking soda down the shower drain and follow up by pouring vinegar down the drain. The reaction between the vinegar and baking soda will clean out the drain. Leave the mixture to do its magic for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm or hot water.

Next, you need to get all of the soap scum and product buildup off of the shower surface.  You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar again for cleaning or you can use a store-bought cleaner that is specifically made to lift tough soap scum off of the shower. Spray it on your tub or shower walls and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it away with a cleaning brush and then follow up by wiping it down with a sponge or rag.

Clean the Bathroom Floors

When cleaning a bathroom, the floors usually get forgotten. But in contrast, they tend to be the dirtiest surface in the bathroom! Start by sweeping or vacuuming any dust, dirt, or debris that is on the bathroom floor. Then you can move on to the deeper cleaning. Choose the floor cleaning product that suits your floor type. Some bathrooms have ceramic or porcelain tile flooring, some have laminate flooring, and some have vinyl flooring. Make sure to check the product you choose to clean the flooring is safe for your bathroom’s flooring type.

The quickest and easiest way to clean the bathroom floor is to use a microfiber mop or a tool like the Swiffer. Microfiber mops are great because they any remaining trap dirt, dust, and hair in their fibers so you don’t have to worry about leaving behind a dirty floor. Just make sure you wring out your microfiber mop frequently and wash it between uses so that it stays clean. 

Using a Swiffer is also another easy option for cleaning bathroom floors because it’s pre-moistened with cleaner, so all you have to do is swipe it across your bathroom floor!

Clean the Bathroom Sink

Cleaning a bathroom sink is the easiest step you can take to refresh your bathroom. Remove any buildup of soap scum with a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar or any multipurpose cleaner. To do the DIY method, sprinkle baking soda on the sink and soak a microfiber rag in vinegar and gently rub it into your bathroom sink until all soap scum has been removed. Rinse off any remaining product by rinsing your sink with water. 

Next, don’t forget to clean the mirror!  Cleaning a bathroom mirror is a breeze with a lint-free microfiber cloth and any glass cleaner that you prefer. 

Finally, when you’re finished cleaning your sink and mirrors, make sure you dry them thoroughly so they won’t become a breeding ground for bacteria. Use paper towels or microfiber cloths to wipe away any excess moisture.

Clean the Toilet

Toilets are home to some of the most bacteria and grime and can’t be forgotten about. The good news is that cleaning your toilet bowl doesn’t have to be a complicated or costly process—there are a few simple things you can do on your own in order to get it looking its best again.

You’ll need a toilet bowl cleaner of your choosing and a toilet bowl brush. You can also utilize the baking soda and vinegar method that you use for the sink in the toilet too if you don’t want to buy conventional cleaning products. Next, scrub away! Make sure to get under the sides of the toilet where water comes out because hard water can build up unsightly sediment in this area. Follow up with a flush and the toilet should be shiny and clean!

After cleaning the interior of the toilet, use a disinfectant wipe or cleaning spray to thoroughly clean the toilet seat, the lid, and the base of the toilet. And don’t forget to wipe down the toilet flusher, too! It can gather as much bacteria from use as the toilet seat can.

Organize Under the Sink

Under-the-sink cabinets are perfect for storing cleaning supplies, which is helpful when it comes time to do a quick bathroom clean-up. To really make things easy, consider creating an under-the-sink cleaning kit with a bunch of basic cleaning products that you can easily grab and throw away without ever having to leave your toilet. 

It’s a great idea to utilize storage solutions like baskets and containers to hold any cleaning products or toiletries for easy access. A clean bathroom doesn’t require a lot of elbow grease—just some patience and organization.

Wash the Linens

Wash your bathroom linens regularly so that they don’t harbor bacteria or even worse – mold! This includes any bath mats or rugs you have on the bathroom floor, hand towels, bath towels, robes, and even the shower curtains and liners.

Many people forget to take down the shower curtain and liner to be washed, but they should be washed at least once a month. It’s recommended to use a fabric shower liner so that it can be washed to prevent any mold or mildew from growing on it. After all, it gets soaked every shower and sometimes doesn’t have the time to dry between shower times. Being able to just throw the liner into the wash is quick, easy, and effective. 

Another tip to prevent bacteria or mold growth on the shower liner is to always pull the shower curtain closed after use so that it can dry more thoroughly. This will decrease the chance of mold and bacteria growth so that your shower stays cleaner and fresher for longer! 

Hire the Professionals

If all of these tips sound too time-consuming or too difficult, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. A cleaning technician will clean all of the surfaces of all of your bathrooms so that it is fresh, clean, and bacteria-free!  They’ll also be able to scrub out any tough stains on your bathroom floors and walls, as well as disinfect any potential hazards in your bathrooms. 

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area for residential cleaning services. So if you want your bathroom to be spotless in your house or apartment, call Plan: B Cleaning to set up your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly residential cleaning service! Plan: B Cleaning creates a custom profile for each client so that they can learn more about your space and deliver exceptional cleaning services every time.

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Broad Ripple, Geist, Fortville, and more. Call today at (317) 572-8515 or visit for a free estimate on your cleaning service!


7 Tips to Keep Your Living Room Clean

The living room might be the most important room in your home. It’s where guests will first enter, and it’s where you can relax with your friends or family after a long day at work. It’s important to keep your living room clean and organized so that it inspires relaxation rather than anxiety when you walk through the door. Here are 7 simple ways to keep your living room clean and organized.

1) Have designated space for items

The best way to keep your living room clean is to have designated space for items. For instance, keep all of your electronics in one place, books on a shelf, or house plants in a corner. Set up a table for remote controls and snacks and make sure you put them back when you’re done using them. Designate one container or shelf for DVD cases and video games so they don’t get lost around the room. 

You can even create different sections with furniture: One area could be devoted to reading material, whereas another could be reserved for watching television or listening to music.

Having designated space for items can make a big difference. It’s easy to lose things when they’re scattered around a room, and if you need something specific but can’t find it, chances are it won’t get used. Before long, your living room will be overrun with clutter that you don’t have time or patience to deal with. Designating areas for items gives them an obvious place to go, making them easier to store and access.

2) Adopt the one in, one out rule

Some people have a hard time letting go of an item that they’ve grown attached to. But rather than keeping sentimental attachments instead of discarding items to keep your living room clean, remember why and how they came into your life in the first place. If they’re not bringing joy into your life or you don’t need them anymore, then discard them. 

In most cases, you’ll find your living room feeling a lot less cluttered if you approach it with a philosophy of one in, one out. That is, for every new item you bring into your living room (whether it be a decoration or furniture), an old item should likely be removed from that space. 

This rule can be applied to all sorts of things—books, clothing, decor, etc.—and will help keep your home from getting too cluttered. You might not feel the need to apply this rule quite yet; however, once you do, it can hold you accountable in your efforts of organizing the living room.

3) Use baskets or bins

Baskets and bins are great for keeping things in their place. Rather than leaving books, magazines, and newspapers lying around, tuck them into baskets you can then store on shelves or in corners of your living room. It’s a simple trick that makes a big difference over time. 

Also, don’t forget to put anything you tend to pick up while watching TV—remote controls, coasters and so on—into one basket at night. This way, you won’t have to go searching for these items when it comes time to turn off the television. 

Additionally, you could invest in an attractive basket for your keys or another similar item you tend to drop or misplace on a regular basis. Then, put it somewhere where you won’t forget about it—for example, near your purse or coat when you come in from work every day. Using baskets or bins to organize your items allows for greater accessibility and will save you time in the long run.

4) Set aside time each day to clear the clutter

Schedule time for you to clean and organize your living room each day. This can be as little as 5 minutes or as much as 30, depending on your lifestyle and how often your space gets cluttered. But by setting aside some time each day to clear clutter, you’ll prevent it from piling up and making a bigger mess than necessary. 

You might find that having an empty and organized space makes it easier to stay organized throughout the rest of your home. And if you do end up with extra time at one point during your cleaning session, perhaps see if there are any other areas in need of attention. Consider setting an alert on your phone to remind you when it’s time to clean. 

You can also make cleaning part of your bedtime routine, so you don’t feel tempted to spend time doing other things while your living room is messy. Moreover, if you don’t have the time to clean your home, then it might be a good idea to contact a professional cleaning service and get an estimate (see more information below).

5) Donate what you don’t use/need/want

There’s a good chance that you have at least one item in your home that hasn’t been used in quite some time. Maybe it was something you purchased on a whim and never used, or maybe you received it as a gift and simply don’t like it. 

Take an inventory of your items, find those things you don’t use anymore, and get rid of them. Not only will donating them benefit someone else, but it will make room for things that are actually necessary for you. It might be hard to part with certain items but remember: If you haven’t touched it in months, chances are you won’t miss it.

It’s easy to hold onto things out of a fear that you may need them someday, but let go of these possessions and clear some room for newer items. Having fewer possessions allows you to maintain your home more easily. If you have too many belongings, they can make it harder for you to keep your living room clean and organized. Aim for simplicity by donating those unused items.

6) Get rid of anything that stinks

Oftentimes, people find that there are a few things around their living room that can smell pretty bad. Garbage cans, dirty clothes, food remains—all of these can start smelling pretty badly after a while. 

If you have more than one garbage can in your home, make sure they’re all cleaned out at least once a week. This will keep foul odors from collecting in one location and will keep your home looking nicer overall. It’s also important to clean up spills immediately; when liquids sit for too long, they can seep into carpets or cause permanent damage to floors. It may be worth investing in some odor-removing products as well, such as air fresheners or deodorizers.

7) Schedule regular cleanings with your partner/roommates

Having a set schedule and making cleaning an expected, regular occurrence will keep your living room from piling up with clutter. Plus, sharing cleaning duties with your significant other is a great way to stay connected without too much extra effort! If you often find yourself busy, then it might be beneficial to hire a professional cleaning service. Residential cleaners know exactly how to treat your home, as these services specialize in their cleaning roles.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service Today

If your living room and/or your home is in need of some thorough cleaning, then it’s a good idea to hire professional cleaners to get the job done properly. 

Plan: B Cleaning offers residential cleaning services to help you keep your residential space clean and free from allergens. If your schedule is too hectic to clean your home, investing in a professional cleaning service is the way to go. Call today to schedule your residential cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit to learn more!

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Fortville, and Noblesville for all of your residential cleaning needs.


How to Clean Your Home to Decrease Allergens

Your home should be your safe haven from the outside world, where you can unwind and relax after a long day at work or school. Unfortunately, many homes are full of allergens and other irritants that make it difficult to breathe freely and sleep soundly. In addition to dust and dander, there are plenty of other allergens that may be present in your home, including mold, pet dander, and certain household cleaners. To reduce allergens in your home, keep reading!

Get Rid of Clutter

Getting rid of clutter can help make your home cleaner and therefore healthier for you and your family. It can also reduce exposure to dust and dander, which can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Removing excess items from your home makes cleaning easier—meaning less time spent cleaning and more time relaxing in a clean environment. Here are some tips on how to get started decluttering.

  1. Set aside an hour or two when you won’t be interrupted by phone calls or visitors. You’ll want to give yourself enough time to complete decluttering without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.
  2. Make a list of each room you want to declutter in your home and keep track of how often you use the items in these rooms and how important they are. This can help you be more objective when deciding what stays and what goes.
  3. Don’t start with your basement or attic—start with places that are most visible, like your kitchen or living room to stay motivated to declutter. 
  4. Ask for help when decluttering spaces like the basement or the attic so the decluttering process doesn’t get too overwhelming.
  5. Donate your unwanted items to a local donation center or thrift store, or sell the more valuable items on a platform like eBay or Facebook Marketplace for some extra cash.

Clean with Non-Toxic Products

During the spring season especially, you track pollen and dust into your home that can exacerbate allergies. Over time, dust and other particles build up in your space if you don’t stay on top of cleaning.

Using safe, non-toxic cleaning products in your home is a great way to reduce allergens. By reducing the number of cleaning chemicals you use, you will improve the air quality in your home and reduce irritation. With regular cleaning, your home will immediately have a reduced amount of dust, dander, and other allergens. 

Try making your own cleaning products from items you can get in the grocery store like white vinegar, lemon, and baking soda.  These products that you can find in your pantry are quick and simple alternatives to normal cleaning products that may trigger allergies or asthma.

Overall, maintaining a clean home will help to reduce allergens in your air and decrease allergy symptoms. It’s important to do a thorough cleaning every week in order to keep up with dust and dander.  Vacuuming is one of the most effective ways to remove these contaminants from your home. With a good vacuum, you can reduce pollutants like pollen, dander, and mold spores that may trigger allergies or asthma.

Change Out Air Filters

Dust and dander build up in your home over time, both of which can be major triggers for allergies. Change out your air filters regularly and put HEPA filters in areas where dust and dander are likely to collect, like on top of your refrigerator or behind furniture. 

The EPA recommends changing your air filter every three months. If you have pets, consider upgrading to a more effective filter that traps pet dander as well as other allergens (like mold spores).  

Make sure to clean or replace filters regularly if you’re using a humidifier or dehumidifier. These devices may also require monthly maintenance; make sure to check for any specific instructions on how often they should be cleaned or changed out to keep them working effectively.

Use HEPA Air Purifiers

HEPA filters are great at removing dust and other allergens from your home and can lead to a significant difference in your overall health.  If you have allergies, it’s a good idea to look into getting one of these for your bedroom as well as any other rooms where you spend most of your time.

You can also opt for a whole-house HEPA filter that cleans the air before it enters your home. This option is more expensive but will have a huge impact on reducing allergens in every room. 

A great addition to HEPA filters is microfiber cloths: they attract and trap dust particles as you clean with them. It’s important to wash these microfiber cloths frequently—every day or two after use—to keep them from collecting dust. 

Wash Bedding Regularly

We spend about a third of our lives in bed. That’s a lot of time for dust mites, mold, and pet dander to collect. Wash your sheets once per week in warm or hot water with a gentle detergent that is designed for those with allergies and sensitive skin—do not use bleach or fabric softener. Add in your blankets at least once per month. Some people go as far as washing their pillowcases every single day; if you like that idea, there’s no reason not to try it out! It might help you fight against allergens. 

For even more protection, look into hypoallergenic covers for your pillows and mattresses. These materials can protect you from everyday elements without costing a fortune. Just be sure to read reviews before purchasing anything; some products are much better than others.

Keep Furniture Clean

Keeping all surfaces of your furniture clean can decrease dust and animal dander. Dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander are common allergens found in the home. Cleaning your home’s surfaces regularly can help keep these allergens down. Use a vacuum with a good filter or washable microfiber cloths to remove dust from bedding, pillows, and other soft surfaces. 

You should also thoroughly clean hard surfaces such as tables and desks at least once a week. For example, you could use disinfectant wipes on tabletops and chairs. Vacuum upholstery regularly, including vacuuming underneath cushions and in crevices where dust can collect. And don’t forget about rugs—you can vacuum them with a hose attachment or hire someone to professionally steam-clean them to reduce allergens.

Invest in a Cleaning Service

If dust and allergens are plaguing your home, it might be time to call in professional help. Many allergy sufferers swear by a cleaning service that comes in to clean their home or apartment biweekly or monthly. Their services can include vacuuming, wiping down surfaces, dusting, and so much more. 

Plan: B Cleaning offers residential cleaning services to help you keep your residential space clean and free from allergens. If your schedule is too hectic to clean your home, investing in a professional cleaning service is the way to go. Call today to schedule your residential cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit to learn more!

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Fortville, and Noblesville for all of your residential cleaning needs. 


3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Professional Cleaning Technician

There is a growing demand for cleaning technicians now that businesses are returning to in-office work following the coronavirus pandemic but also for individuals who still work from home. You’ll find that a career as a cleaning technician is an incredibly rewarding career with several upsides you wouldn’t think of at first glance. You’ll find out about three of those reasons below so read on if you want to learn why now is the time to become a cleaning technician and start building your own career in this growing field!

1. Income

Many cleaning companies are constantly looking for professional cleaning technicians. If you’re great at what you do, your employer will want to retain your services, which means you’ll be guaranteed consistent income. With the growing demand for cleaning services, you are guaranteed to enter a workforce that receives steady, dependable pay. 

Plan: B Cleaning in Fishers, Indiana offers competitive pay with the added bonus of receiving tips! As a team member at Plan: B Cleaning, you get to keep 100% of the tips you receive. Not only do you get to keep tips, but Plan: B Cleaning pays weekly, so you get to see the reward for your work quicker. If you’re tired of being paid once a month or bi-weekly, becoming a professional cleaning technician is an excellent way to start getting paid more frequently.

You’ll also receive paid training at your normal rate of pay, even if you are starting with no experience. You will be trained by our team of cleaning professionals who will show you how to clean like a pro! If you are looking to switch industries or career paths, this is a great start where you will be paid to learn the ins and outs of commercial or residential cleaning.

Last but not least, you will be paid for all of your drive time to the commercial or residential location plus the cost of mileage if you choose to drive your own vehicle!  Many companies do not offer any compensation for this additional expense, but Plan: B Cleaning pays you because they value your time!

2. Flexibility

The hours and scheduling of working as a cleaner, cleaning technician, or similar role can be significantly more flexible than working in other types of jobs. You won’t be tied to a desk for 8 hours a day because you’ll be able to travel to the location of the site you are working on.  That means that every day will be different and energizing because you’ll be working at a different home or business depending on their set cleaning schedule. 

Not only is the scheduling flexible, but you can also earn paid time off throughout the year. This means that if you take vacation or sick days, they will be covered by your employer and paid out to you at a later date. You won’t have to miss out on income when you aren’t able to work. Plan: B Cleaning also offers paid holidays, including your birthday! 

And to top it all off, you won’t have to work weekends or nights as a Plan: B Cleaning team member, so you can spend your free time doing what you love! With these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to become a professional cleaning technician? 

3. Growth

At Plan: B Cleaning, there are plenty of advancement opportunities. Plan: B Cleaning values leaders and will advance you to a leadership position if you demonstrate your leadership capabilities. As a leader, you’ll have more freedom in your schedule and can even earn more money through bonuses. If you’re looking for growth as an individual or professional, working as a cleaning technician is one of the best ways to find it.

In addition to paid training, Plan: B Cleaning also offers professional cleaning certifications. These certifications can help you advance your career and push you to leadership opportunities within the company. For example, if you’re interested in growing with the company and becoming a supervisor or manager at Plan: B Cleaning, these certifications will help prepare you for these roles.

The Benefits of Working at Plan: B Cleaning

Plan: B Cleaning is a team of individuals who value kindness, authenticity, hard work, and job satisfaction. Not only will you be earning income, but you will also be given great opportunities to learn and develop your leadership skills. Plan: B Cleaning offers flexible scheduling to work with your time and your goals.

Plan: B Cleaning is a great fit for you if you enjoy being on the go, love serving others, and you feel real satisfaction when you see a home be transformed into a clean environment. 

To apply to Plan: B Cleaning and join a team that cares, go to to fill out an easy, quick application and start your cleaning career today!


5 Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator Fresh

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about the freshness of your food until it starts to go bad. Once that happens, you realize how important it is to keep your refrigerator in top condition so your food stays as fresh as possible longer. If you use these five tips, you can make sure your fridge stays fresh even when you’re extra busy!

1) Keep The Refrigerator Clean

Spills and crumbs left on refrigerator shelves not only look unsightly but also encourage mold and bacterial growth that’s harmful to your health. Keeping your refrigerator clean also means keeping it smelling fresh, which is important if you’re trying to keep food fresh for longer periods of time. Use warm water with soap or baking soda (and a soft cloth or sponge) and wipe down each shelf thoroughly. Clean out any spills on shelves or inside containers as soon as they happen. 

Adding a box of baking soda to your refrigerator is another great way to keep it smelling fresh. Be sure not to open and close your refrigerator too often, as that can cause air circulation problems that affect food freshness. If you have an automatic icemaker, clean it regularly with warm water and vinegar or lemon juice. Don’t forget about cleaning any vents that might have accumulated dust.

If you don’t have the time or energy after a long workday to clean the fridge, let a professional cleaner do it for you! A professional cleaning service typically offers an add-on cleaning service to thoroughly disinfect and clean your refrigerator so that you can have peace of mind about your food’s freshness. 

2) Separate Fresh Food from Leftovers

Make sure any leftovers of pre-prepared meals are stored in air-tight containers to ensure they stay fresh longer. If they are not stored in a sealed container, you run the risk of the food going bad quicker and making the refrigerator smell unpleasant. Not only will the refrigerator smell bad, but it also harbors bacteria and can affect your other food items too!

Keeping your refrigerator organized makes it easier to know when something needs to be eaten or thrown out. Cooking dishes and storing them in portion-sized containers is a great way to separate out meals that you’ll eat again, but don’t put any leftovers in your fridge unless you know they won’t go bad before they’re eaten. If unsure, freeze them so they can last longer and stay safe for consumption! 

The same goes for fresh food; if you buy fresh fruit or vegetables, keep them in their original packaging until you’re ready to use them. Once opened, transfer into a container with an airtight seal (or put some plastic wrap over your produce) so that it stays fresher longer.

3) Eat Leftovers Quickly

Don’t let leftovers sit in your fridge for too long and go bad. Leaving leftovers in the fridge loo long can make them spoil faster, which means you end up throwing away good food that could have served as a great meal. If you want to keep your food fresh, eat those leftovers quickly! Try and eat any leftovers within 2-3 days after they are prepared.  Also, try storing your leftovers in airtight containers or using an airtight container like a glass container with a lid or Tupperware. When food is exposed to air it tends to dry out quickly and become stale.

4) Plan Meals Accordingly

If you plan your meals around what’s in your fridge, then you can maximize freshness and avoid food waste. Take stock of your refrigerator before each grocery trip and plan accordingly so you don’t buy items that won’t be used. 

Plan out meals for at least a couple of days—this way you decrease food waste throughout the week. For some people, planning out meals and a grocery list is the best course of action. Make sure to eat leftovers within two to three days; any longer than that and food safety might become an issue.

By planning out your meals, you’ll also be less likely to pick up unnecessary items. If you’re on a budget or trying to eat healthier, it’s a good idea to avoid buying items that won’t be used. For example, if you know that salmon is on your menu for dinner one night but will only eat it once, then don’t buy extra fish—it will go bad before you have a chance to use it again.

5) Store Food Properly

We all know food has a shelf life, but many of us are guilty of using it after its expiration date—and we might not even realize how rotten it’s gotten. To keep food fresh, wrap and store it properly (in airtight bags and containers) and regularly check your fridge. If you notice rotten or old foods that are still in your refrigerator, be sure to throw them out immediately.  Double-check the expiration date on your food items regularly to avoid the risk of eating bad or stale food.

Always check to make sure your containers are air-tight to increase the shelf-life of your food.  Over time, containers will lose their seal. This can be accelerated if the container is exposed to high heat from the dishwasher or microwave. The best type of container for food storage is a glass container with a lid that has a rubber part that seals on tightly. They are safe for use in a microwave and dishwasher and won’t leach chemicals into your food. 

Hire a Professional Cleaning Company

Hiring a professional cleaning company will allow you to avoid worrying about how clean your refrigerator is while also giving you more time in your schedule to do what you enjoy. Protect the health of you and your family with a clean refrigerator that keeps your food fresh. Call Plan: B Cleaning and save yourself some stress and a ton of time. 

Once you hire a professional cleaning service near you, you’ll find you have more time to spend with your family, play with your pets, practice your hobbies, and simply enjoy life. Call Plan: B Cleaning today at (317) 572-8515 or visit to start enjoying life more with a clean apartment or home.

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana areas for all of your residential cleaning needs. This includes Noblesville, Carmel, Westfield, Fortville, Broad Ripple, and Geist.


How to Spring Clean Your Home

For most of us, springtime means warmer weather and fun outdoor activities. But if you’re feeling like your home could use some TLC, then there’s no better time than now to clean up your house so that you can enjoy the first truly nice days of the year in comfort and style! Here are some simple tips on how to spring clean your home from top to bottom.

Why You Should Spring Clean

Spring is a time for new beginnings—from outdoor picnics and camping trips to clean carpets and freshly painted walls. Spring cleaning isn’t only important to make your home look spotless—it also signifies that you’re ready to move on from winter and start the new season off fresh. With spring officially in full swing, it’s high time to refresh your surroundings by getting rid of everything you no longer need! 

Spring is a natural time to shed unwanted items because spring cleaning serves as an uplifting experience at its core; spring cleaning means we’re letting go of clutter while simultaneously preparing our homes for warmer weather. Additionally, many homeowners opt to do some spring cleaning prior to selling their house or apartment or moving into a new one—if you plan on leaving your current home soon, why not get ahead of schedule? 

Everyone has unused items that have been hidden away since last year (or longer), but these objects are typically unused and dusty and haven’t provided value for quite some time. Chances are high that you won’t miss most items that fall into these categories when they’re gone—and there will be plenty of value in your life without them!

Dirt and grime tend to build up throughout the year due to busy work and life schedules.  With spring on its way, now is a great time to clean things that have been neglected all winter long! Spring cleaning is a great time to focus on deep cleaning areas of your home that aren’t covered in your day-to-day cleaning tasks.

Start With a Plan

The best way to start spring cleaning is to plan out what you want to do before you start doing it. Sit down with a notebook and make a list of all those little things that need to be done around your home or apartment. After making this list,  prioritize them, then complete a couple of these tasks daily to reach your goals. It’s easier to get through spring cleaning when you know where you’re starting from and have set goals for your time.

One way to create your task list is to organize it by room. Start with the busiest and most-used room in your home and work from there. This is probably your kitchen or living room. Last on your to-do list can be the storage closets, attic, or basement, where you’ve probably been storing things over the winter.

Under each of these rooms on your task list, create specific tasks for that room that you want to accomplish. In the kitchen, these tasks could include:

  • Deep clean drawers and cabinets with disinfectant spray
  • Clean out the refrigerator and freezer
  • Organize under the kitchen sink
  • Declutter old pots and pans
  • Add containers to the drawers to organize silverware
  • Add shelves to the cabinets to create more storage space
  • Dust and clean the top of the cabinets

Once you have a game plan and an organized task list, you’re ready to go!

Declutter Before Cleaning

Before you attack your floors, cabinets, windows, and more give yourself a head start by decluttering. Give away or donate items you don’t use or need anymore to reduce clutter around your home and life. Getting rid of extraneous possessions not only helps make cleaning easier but also gives you space to make new memories with family and friends in your newly decluttered abode. Plus, if you have less stuff taking up space in your house, it’s easier to get a head start for spring cleaning.

Start by tackling one area at a time in your decluttering process. This way, you won’t get overwhelmed with decluttering. Focus on the areas that need it most and then decluttering will start to feel simpler! This might mean starting on your bedroom closet, a storage closet, or maybe even the pantry. Once the tough decluttering jobs are out of the way, you can quickly and easily declutter the smaller areas.

Consider donating your unwanted or unused possessions to a local thrift store that supports those in need. Your donations will not only help you to get your space organized and cleaned, but it will also help people that the thrift store or donation site supports!

Tackle One Area at a Time

Clear a shelf, clean out a drawer, or wipe down your nightstand. Just one area at a time will help you stay on top of your spring cleaning without becoming overwhelmed. Start by tackling an area that tends to accumulate stuff. How can you keep things tidy if they’re never put away? So don’t forget to put things back where they belong throughout your day so you won’t have to search for them later. This alone will dramatically reduce mess and clutter!

Creating a task list as mentioned previously makes tackling one area at a time much simpler. By going one room at a time, you can successfully meet your spring cleaning goals! Follow the tasks that you created for each specific room, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t finish in one day. Spring cleaning is a marathon- not a sprint! You don’t have to complete your spring cleaning in a day or even in a week. If you have a hectic schedule, you might even want to spread your spring cleaning plans across a couple of weeks. This way, you can realistically complete your spring cleaning and start your season off fresh!

Update Your Decor

It’s time to update your decor to better suit spring. Start by removing heavy winter blankets and drapes, then use lighter-colored throw blankets and window treatments like a linen shade or lace curtains to fill your home with natural light. Go for lighter and brighter color accents—pinks, yellows, light blues—to evoke springtime warmth. For even more seasonal change, swap out winter decor for flowers or new plants. Here’s a complete list of spring decor updates you can do to make your home or apartment spring ready.

  • Change out the lighting –  Even though you’re using lighter decor and accessories, it might still be a good idea to change your lighting. Harsh lights or dim lights can dull your new springtime spaces, so consider investing in white lights or colorful lamps to add some extra warmth. If you really want an extra glow, invest in some string lights as well. You can also swap out bulbs for LED light bulbs, which can give off a soft glow without feeling too bright.
  • Add color –  You’ve probably heard that green is an excellent choice for spring, but it can also be fun to use different colors throughout your home. Try using a blue wall in your bedroom or a pink accent wall in your living room. Yellows and oranges can make rooms feel warm, so try playing with these two shades in your decorating scheme. If you’re not wanting to paint, you can easily find beautiful wall art or decoration pieces to add to your apartment to bring in some vibrancy.
  • Add houseplants – Houseplants are one of the easier and less expensive investments you can make to liven up your space. They’re great at purifying the air and will brighten up your space even more than colorful decor can. If you don’t have a green thumb, there are plenty of houseplants that don’t require much maintenance or lighting and are perfect for the indoors. Even if you have a busy schedule, you will be able to maintain houseplants for years and years to come. They are a gift that keeps on giving!
  • Rearrange furniture –  Moving your furniture around can really update a room. It will add new flow and allow for new lighting. It may be a good idea to bring in some of your seasonal decor so you can get a feel for how it all works together before fully moving everything. After rearranging your furniture, you will feel like you’re living in an entirely new space!

Spruce Up Your Outdoor Areas

When spring finally hits and you’re able to open up your windows, get outside, and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, it’s time to take advantage of your beautiful surroundings. You can spruce up your outdoor areas with a few simple touches. Not only will you feel better as soon as you step outside, but your home will look great too! Here are a few ways to make that happen. 

  1. Add outdoor seating –  It doesn’t matter if you have a porch, patio, or balcony that gets good light in spring and summer; it can be any outdoor area where you want to spend time with friends and family on nice days or cozy up with a book on cool evenings. Adding some furniture is one of the easiest ways to turn any space into a place to relax and unwind.
  2. Add outdoor plants –  A few well-placed plants can bring a whole new look to your outdoor area and keep it looking great all year long. Potted plants are some of the easiest ways to decorate, but you can also place planters on any flat surface or hang them from walls and railings with hooks, fasteners, or rope. This is especially helpful if you live in the city and need to bring some nature into your home environment!
  3. Update the lighting –  Lighting is crucial to making your outdoor areas look their best. The right bulbs and fixtures will illuminate your surroundings in such a way that it makes you think spring has already arrived! Don’t be afraid to try out new combinations of colors; you might find one that suits your home perfectly! String lights are an amazing way to elevate your outdoor space and make it feel classy and relaxing for the spring weather.

Deep Cleaning Checklist

When cleaning your home for spring, it’s important to do a deep clean before you do any redecorating or rearranging. The process can be long and tiresome, but it will be worth it! Before you start deep cleaning, grab your checklist and make sure you have all of the necessary cleaning products on hand. You’ll need a window cleaner, a multipurpose cleaner, microfiber rags, dusters, a broom, a vacuum, and some time of mop. You may need some general tools for maintenance or a magic eraser for tough scuff marks or spots. Now for the fun part! Here are our favorite in-depth deep cleaning lists for spring cleaning:

If you want a list that goes room-by-room: 

  • Taste of Home’s “The Ultimate Room-by-Room Spring Cleaning Checklist”:

If you want a 30-day checklist:

  • The Spruce’s “30-Day Spring Cleaning Checklist”:

If you want a printable spring cleaning infographic: 

  • Cleanzen’s “The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist”:

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

Instead of trying to do a deep clean yourself, spring cleaning can actually be done by a professional cleaning service. Hiring a professional team to do your home cleaning once or twice a month can help you achieve a clean and organized house while allowing you to focus on other things. It’s easy to get busy with work and everyday life, and it’s hard to have time for these cleaning tasks, especially if they are tedious and time-consuming.

Hiring a cleaning service is a great way to start the spring season and make time for yourself. When you don’t have to worry about cleaning your apartment or home, you have more time to do what you love! So take that weekend trip, go out with friends for brunch, or take your furry friends to the dog park,  and let the professionals do the cleaning for you!

Plan: B Cleaning is the go-to cleaning service for your home or apartment in Fishers, Indiana. Plan: B Cleaning creates a custom client profile for each client to ensure they are meeting your specific cleaning needs and requests so that you can come home to a clean space every day.

Ready to schedule your cleaning service and take back your free time? Call Plan: B Cleaning at (317) 572-8515 or visit Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Fortville, and Geist.


Do You Know How to Clean Your Kitchen Properly?

A clean kitchen is an important part of every home. Not only does it help keep food safe from bacteria, but it makes your kitchen much more enjoyable to use and look at. But many people don’t know how to properly clean their kitchen, leading to food-borne illnesses and sickness. This article will walk you through the right way to clean your kitchen in order to protect your and your family’s health!

Why a Clean Kitchen is a Necessity

It’s important that we clean our kitchens regularly since they are places where we prepare our food. What happens if we do not know how to clean it correctly? There is a risk of bacteria growth in our kitchens which will then lead to health issues such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain among other things. So make sure that you learn how to clean it up correctly!

Be sure you have all of your cleaning products readily available to alleviate the stress of preparing food. If you can keep a clean kitchen while cooking and put everything away properly, you won’t run into any added stress.  It will be easier for you to cook if you feel like you aren’t going to encounter random messes when looking for certain things in your cupboards. 

In addition, you will want to make sure that every part of your kitchen is cleaned such as countertops, stovetop surfaces, cupboards/countertops around stoves or ovens, and backsplashes around the kitchen area. By ensuring all surfaces are clean and free from bacteria, you prevent any cross-contamination or spread of illness in the food prep area.

Basic Food Safety

Before you continue cooking, it’s important that you learn basic food safety techniques. Not only will it keep your family healthy; it could also save them from experiencing long-lasting illnesses. Here are four basic rules for your kitchen. 

  1. Separate your raw meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood products from any ready-to-eat foods like produce or bread; raw meats contain germs that can spread if contact is made with anything else in your kitchen. Also consider that anything that raw meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood touches, such as utensils, pans, or cutting boards, cannot be used with ready-to-eat foods because they will be contaminated with bacteria.
  2. Be sure raw meats are completely thawed before being cooked. They must never be defrosted on a countertop or in hot water—this is not safe. Recommended thawing practices include in the refrigerator, in cold water, or in the microwave. For more details on thawing safety, go to
  3. Keep your kitchen clean at all times; dirty counters, handles, and utensils can allow bacteria to grow and contaminate your food. Don’t forget to disinfect areas like the refrigerator handle, microwave handle, and sink handle where you frequently touch.
  4. Don’t let your foods get too hot or cold; a steady, moderate temperature should be used when cooking and storing your food to prevent bacteria growth that can lead to illness.

Maintain Good Hygiene in the Kitchen

Kitchen cleaning and maintenance are important parts of kitchen safety.  To maintain good hygiene in your kitchen, be sure to wash all of your dishes before putting them away and always dry them thoroughly after washing. By doing so, you will avoid cross-contamination between food items and reduce the chances of spreading harmful bacteria or other germs that can cause illness or disease.  Also, consider keeping countertops clean by wiping up spills immediately to avoid hard-to-clean dried foods or liquids. Additionally, prevent cross-contamination when cooking with raw meats or eggs that can lead to food-borne illness and the spread of bacteria. By maintaining good hygiene, you’ll feel confident knowing your kitchen is a safe place to cook. 

Wipe Down Everything After Use

Despite how easy it is to clean your kitchen, many people don’t do a thorough job, leaving food particles and grease on kitchen surfaces. To avoid food-borne illness and increase your kitchen safety, be sure to wipe down every surface after use. The best way to make sure you’re not skipping any areas is simply by wiping down surfaces twice.  It might feel repetitive but it will help protect against germs and dangerous bacteria like E. coli or salmonella. After all, there are few things as gross as a kitchen filled with bacteria. 

Keep the Cutting Board Clean

First, ensure that your cutting board is cleaned before use! The last thing you want is a dirty surface on which you prepare food—or cross-contamination that may occur if someone else in your household has been handling food without washing their hands. 

  1. Use hot water and soap to clean cutting boards; bacteria can get embedded into small grooves, so be sure you scrub thoroughly. 
  2. Consider buying separate boards for raw meat, produce, fruit, and seafood—that way you can keep them away from each other and limit any chance of contamination or spreading of bacteria between foods. 
  3. Always wash your hands before and after handling foods to prevent transferring germs from one surface (cutting board) or product (like raw chicken) to another (utensils). 
  4. When you’re done using it, make sure to dry off your cutting board completely—you don’t want moisture lingering on it, which can encourage mold growth. 
  5. If you have wood boards that need extra maintenance, consider purchasing a butcher block conditioner or food-safe mineral oil; it will help keep bacteria at bay while still preserving the wood grain of your cutting board.

Keep Your Utensils Clean

Cleaning your kitchen and your utensils properly is an important part of keeping your family safe and healthy. A properly cleaned kitchen will reduce your family’s risk of food-borne illnesses. Cleaning utensils between use prevents cross-contamination from items like raw meat or egg. 

Using hot water and dish soap is an effective way to clean and disinfect utensils for their next use. Be careful with the sponge or dish cleaning tool you use, because it could be harboring bacteria itself. You should change out your dish sponge regularly, or every two weeks to one month.

Keep The Dishwasher Clean

The dishwasher can start to build up grime and food bits over time with regular usage. To ensure the dishwasher is efficiently cleaning your dishes, you should clean your dishwasher every now and then.

It’s actually pretty easy to keep your dishwasher clean, and by doing so you can make sure any harmful bacteria is eliminated. Simply splash a little bit of white vinegar into your empty dishwasher, then run it through a full cycle without any dishes in it. You’ll find that using vinegar will eliminate many odors while also ensuring that your dishwasher stays as sanitary as possible. And, since you won’t have to worry about the smell or about keeping your dishes safe, using an odor-eliminating machine may not be necessary! This is a great way to save money on household cleaning.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

A professional cleaning service can ensure your kitchen is clean and bacteria-free. There are many variables when it comes to kitchen safety, but a few basic rules should be followed—after all, it’s well worth having a sanitary kitchen. The kitchen is generally one of the busiest parts of any home; in fact, it’s usually where we spend most of our time at home – as such, kitchens need to be cleaned with care. 

Plan: B Cleaning offers an efficient and effective cleaning service to get your kitchen spotless for food preparation or guests. Call today to schedule your cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit

Plan: B Cleaning services the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Fortville, and Geist.


How to Save Time Doing Laundry

How much time do you spend doing laundry? If you’re like most people, it’s probably too much time—sometimes more than an hour each week! For busy entrepreneurs and professionals, this wasted time can take a serious toll on your productivity and your business profits. To help you spend less time doing laundry, here are clever ways to save time doing laundry every week and give yourself more time to focus on what matters most to your business.

Tips for Quickly Cleaning Laundry

It’s a few minutes before you’re supposed to leave for work, and you remember that you left a white shirt in your favorite pair of jeans last night (again). Now, you can either rush to finish cleaning your laundry before dashing out of the door or find ways to streamline your laundry routine. To save time doing laundry, follow these tips.

  1. Staying organized is one key component to effectively cleaning your laundry quickly and efficiently; when you know where everything is, you won’t waste as much time searching through piles looking for an item.
  2. Strategically sorting and folding your clothing is a great way to save time when cleaning your laundry. If you sort clothing into different piles (i.e., dark colors, light colors, delicates) before cleaning it, you can pull all of those items out of their dirty condition at once instead of sorting through them one by one. 
  3. Find an effective laundry detergent that works for your laundry machine. You don’t want to have to rewash the clothes because they didn’t get clean enough!
  4. Once you’ve washed the clothes, save even more time by using reusable wool dryer balls with your clothes. The dryer balls speed up drying time, prevent wrinkles, stop static, and soften the clothes.
  5. Set aside time to fold and hang up clothes straight out of the dryer. This will prevent the clothes from getting wrinkly and add more time to your daily routine. Once you are in the habit of hanging and folding clothes as soon as they are done drying, you will appreciate all of the time you save not having to rewash or iron your clothes!
  6. Choose cold water over hot, since hot water costs more money and uses more energy. 

By following these quick tips for quickly cleaning laundry, you’ll be able to save time doing laundry so that you can get more done during your busy day. 

What Not to Put in the Washing Machine

  • Damaged Fabrics – Avoid washing clothing with any tears or holes in the washing machine, which can snag other clothes and cause excessive wear and tear. 
  • Darks & Lights – Don’t mix dark-colored clothes with light-colored clothes– it will dull your light clothing and decrease longevity!
  • Different Fabrics – Try to wash the clothing of similar fabrics to maintain the quality of the fabrics- don’t wash delicate fabrics with denim or towels!
  • Too Many Items –Don’t overload your washing machine. If you have a full load, consider doing laundry with half of your laundry and doubling up on washes later in a day or two! 
  • Delicates – Delicate clothing items should be put in a lingerie or delicates bag before being put in the washing machine, and you should avoid putting these in the dryer as well. Instead, hang them to dry with clothespins.

How to Treat Stains

Stains can be a hassle to deal with, but there are some effective ways to treat them. Treating stains at home can save you money and time over taking your clothes to a professional cleaner. Take these steps to treat common stains in your clothes 

  • Baking Soda + Dish Soap – Try out a paste of baking soda and dish soap on your stain. The combination of the two work surprisingly well!
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best natural treatments for bloodstains. Fresh blood will clean up easily if soaked in hydrogen peroxide; it’s also kinder to clothing than store-bought stain removers containing chemicals.
  • Store-Bought Stain Removers – You can find a wide variety of stain removers at your local store from many different brands. Some stain removers are specifically for colors or specifically for whites, so find one that best fits your laundry needs. 

The Right Way to Separate Laundry Loads

Separating your clothes by color and lights and darks is the best way to lengthen the life of your clothing and keep them looking new for longer. There are two ways you can separate laundry: by fabric (i.e., cotton, delicates, denim, towels) or by color (whites, colors, darks). 

By separating out loads of laundry by fabric, you dodge the risk of harsher fabrics dulling or harming delicate fabrics. Separating laundry by fabric type will prevent pilling, rips, and tears. 

Separating out laundry by color prevents any colored shirts from bleeding clothing dye onto lighter clothes. Whites will stay white, and grays won’t turn yellow as quickly or look dingy over time. 

Finding The Best Detergent for Your Needs

Detergents work by removing dirt, sweat, and stains from your clothing. However, each one is made for a different type of stain and fabric—which means some are better for your white shirts than others.

There are different laundry detergents for whites, colors, darks, and more. There are also detergents even more specific like heavy-duty, for athletes, and for sensitive skin. While there are laundry detergents that can work for all types of fabrics, you may find yourself needing something more specific.

  • Gentle/ Sensitive Skin Detergent –  These detergents are ideal for people with sensitive skin and easily irritated skin. They don’t have added fragrance and they typically clean your clothes well with gentler surfactants. However, they aren’t as effective at removing stains, which is why some people don’t choose them.
  • Heavy-Duty Detergent – This is a great detergent for getting rid of tough stains that won’t come out in regular washes. If you have kids or pets and have lots of messes to clean up, heavy-duty might be perfect for you! It will make sure your clothes are as clean as possible with stain-fighting power. 
  • Athletic Detergent – These detergents are made specifically for high activity wear and athletes who need their clothes cleaned well while they sweat a lot at practice and games. It has added color guard technology so it can keep colors brighter longer, keeping your most vibrant clothing looking new longer!
  • Detergent for Lights – If you’re looking for a detergent that specifically targets whites and light colors, look no further! It will whiten your clothes without bleaching them. It’s also great if you have a lot of these light clothing so you can keep them as bright and fresh as possible.
  • HE (High Efficiency) Detergent – These detergents are made specifically for high-efficiency washers. They’re designed to work in high heat and low water so you get clean clothes but use less energy and resources. They’re great if you have a newer washing machine or if you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly option!
  • Detergent for Colors – If you have a lot of colored clothing, or if you’re looking for a detergent that specifically targets your colored clothing, look no further! Color-specific detergents will keep your clothes bright and vibrant and looking like new. 

Professional Cleaning Services

The Plan: B Cleaning team is an expert on all things clean. If you are seeking a professional cleaning company in the Fishers, Indiana area, look no further! Plan: B Cleaning offers residential cleaning services and creates a custom client profile for every one of our customers so that your service is customized to you!

To get started with a professional cleaning service and get your home spotless, call Plan: B Cleaning at (317) 572-8515 or visit to learn more!


How to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

With air pollution getting worse each year, the need to improve your home’s air quality has never been greater. But how do you even go about it? And how much can you realistically expect from your efforts? Luckily, with the following advice, you’ll be well on your way to improving your home’s air quality and breathing easier in no time!

The Importance of Good Air Quality

Air quality has a direct effect on our bodies and minds. Most of us spend 8+ hours every day in our homes, so it’s important that we take measures to ensure we’re breathing clean air. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, poor air quality and exposure to air pollutants can cause “irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue”* in the short term. Poor air quality can also worsen asthma for those who suffer from it.  In the long term, polluted air quality in the home can cause “respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer”* which can even be fatal. For more information, visit ​​

Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

There are many sources of indoor air pollutants, including household chemicals and products, tobacco smoke, and radon. If you have allergies or other respiratory issues, there are additional concerns about mold and dust mites.

In order to control these pollutants, you need a plan for controlling each one in your home. Proper ventilation is crucial when you want to keep outdoor pollutants out while still allowing fresh air into your home. Improving how well you ventilate will also help reduce moisture levels inside your home; keeping moisture low will help prevent mold growth that can exacerbate allergies and asthma.

Use a HEPA Air Filter

If you’re interested in improving your home’s air quality, it’s a good idea to install a HEPA air filter. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air, and these filters are designed to get rid of dirt and dust that may be in your home. According to the EPA, HEPA air filters “can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm)”**, making it the most effective air filter you can use to improve your home’s air quality. For more information, visit the EPA’s site:

Keep the Home Smoke-Free

Smoking in your home can make you and your family vulnerable to a host of respiratory illnesses. If you’re serious about improving your home’s air quality, it might be time to consider kicking your smoking habit once and for all. And if you have young children, quitting smoking may be an even more important goal. In fact, studies show that smoke in a house containing children can increase their risk of developing allergies or asthma by as much as 35 percent! 

Invest in Plants

Besides being a source of beauty, home plants can also improve air quality in your home. According to Eco Watch’s article, ’20 Best Air-Purifying Plants’ (, there are many houseplants available at your local nursery or store that can improve your home’s air quality. 

Here are the top five plants on Eco Watch’s list for improving air quality: 

  1. Peace Lily
  2. Snake Plant
  3. Golden Pothos
  4. Bamboo Palm
  5. Scarlet Star Bromeliad

Eliminate Chemical Cleaning Supplies & Air Fresheners

The chemicals in commercial cleaners can be detrimental to your health, especially if you are using harsh chemical cleaners in poorly ventilated areas. 

Instead, try natural DIY cleaning products with supplies you can find in a grocery store when possible. Popular natural cleaning ingredients include white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, borax, lemon juice, tea tree oil, and other essential oils. Natural cleaning products are not only good for your home’s air quality but are also free of harsh chemicals that can harm your health. 

For detailed recipes for DIY cleaning products, the site Madeleine Olivia’s blog is a great resource to get you started:

Instead of strong chemical-based air fresheners, you can use essential oils in a diffuser or vaporizer. Their pleasant fragrance will help keep your home smelling fresh without exposing you and your family to harmful chemicals.

Control Moisture

Excess moisture is a leading cause of poor indoor air quality. To lower humidity levels and improve your home’s air quality, invest in a dehumidifier. This tool can remove up to 48 pints of water from your home per day. On the other hand, the air in your home may be excessively dry. In this case, you can invest in a humidifier to put moisture back into the air.  

Before installing either of these devices, run an inexpensive hygrometer test on your home to see if there are problems with high or low humidity levels. (A hygrometer typically costs $15-$50.) After you have remedied any issues related to excess or low moisture, these tools will help keep conditions optimal for living and breathing. And that means better home air quality!

Keep Your Home Clean

Air quality can improve if you keep your home and its contents clean. Keeping your floors, walls, furniture, appliances and everything else that’s in your home spotless will not only help improve air quality but also lower your risk of developing allergies and infections. Regular cleaning is one of the easiest things you can do for yourself, as well as for everyone who lives in or visits your home. Not only does it improve air quality but it also makes a big difference to how you feel on a daily basis.

Call Plan: B Cleaning today to set up a cleaning service and improve your home’s air quality with a clean space at (317) 572-8515, or visit Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Hamilton County, Geist, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, and Fortville. 


Do You Know the Benefits of a Microfiber Mop?

These days, many homeowners are moving away from traditional mops and towards microfiber mops instead. What makes these mops so different? Are they really worth the extra expense? As it turns out, yes! There are many benefits to using a microfiber mop, especially if you’re interested in keeping your floors clean without needing harsh chemicals or too much elbow grease. Let’s go over the most popular benefits of microfiber mops below!

Why Choose a Microfiber Mop

A microfiber mop is an effective cleaning tool for many reasons. First, microfiber pads are lint-free and won’t leave behind any dust, dirt, or grime on your flooring. They also have dense threads that quickly pull up dirt and clean more thoroughly than other materials, as a traditional mop does. These attributes make them great for all types of hard flooring, including wood, tile, linoleum, stone, and laminate. 

Microfibers are especially good on these surfaces because they can scrub away scuff marks and prevent scratches by loosening grime instead of grinding it into your delicate flooring. Plus, they don’t need chemicals or harsh cleaners; just regular water with microfiber is effective in cleaning and picking up dirt and grime, as well as removing bacteria from the surface. You can rest assured you are effectively and efficiently cleaning your hard flooring when you use a microfiber mop head.

Advantages of Using a Microfiber Mop

A microfiber mop is a far superior choice to most traditional mops on today’s market. Why? It all comes down to how effectively they clean floors, and their capacity for deep cleaning quicker than other mopping alternatives. Here are five reasons why you should consider investing in one:

  1. Traditional mops don’t use an absorbent microfiber pad, so most of your effort is wasted because grime gets left behind on your floor. A microfiber mop works differently because it uses a microfiber cloth that can pick up dust, dirt, grime—everything—and leaves nothing behind. This means you’ll spend less time mopping and more time with family or doing other activities!
  2. Traditional mops make users responsible for wringing out water from their pad before moving onto another section of their home or office floor. With a microfiber mop like the Sh-mop, the microfiber soaks up the cleaning product to deposit on the floor’s surface. No wringing out necessary! 
  3. Traditional mops are not machine washable and slowly build up grime and dirt, to the point where you must replace them. Because microfiber pads are machine washable and reusable, they last much longer than traditional mops and don’t harbor grime and bacteria from use to use. It’s as easy as removing the microfiber pad and throwing it in the washing machine to guarantee cleanliness for the next use!
  4. Traditional mops need to use more cleaning products and water, but using a microfiber mop saves you money by allowing you to cut down on your cleaning product costs. The microfiber pad does most of the cleaning work, allowing you to use less water and less cleaning product. Additionally, you don’t have to deal with a large, lunky mop bucket that causes spills and messes.
  5. Traditional mops are difficult to work with and take longer to mop with. A microfiber mop significantly cuts down on floor cleaning time! With how quickly it cleans your flooring, you’ll spend less time mopping each week and more time doing what you enjoy! 

How To Select The Best One

All microfiber mops are more effective than traditional mops, and you can find a wide variety of options of microfiber mops at most stores. One popular option is the Sh-Mop, which can be found on Amazon, along with extra microfiber pads if you want to have more than one microfiber pad for in-between washes!

At Plan: B Cleaning, we know the benefits of using a microfiber mop instead of a traditional mop. In all of our residential house cleanings, we use the Sh-Mop to clean all types of hard floors efficiently and effectively.  You can purchase your own Sh-Mop to keep your floors spotless in between your weekly and bi-weekly cleaning service!

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service To Do The Floor Cleaning For You!

If you want to take cleaning off of your to-do list and leave the mopping to the professionals, call Plan: B Cleaning to set up your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning service at (317) 572-8515 or visit to request a quote! 

Plan: B serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Noblesville, Carmel, Fortville, Geist, and more!